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Thank you for visiting my page . I hope you are having a blessed day. You can do ALL things through Christ who gives you strength!!!

Welcome to My World!!!!!

Hey are you having a good time yet!

Well if you are not, stick around for a while I am sure you will find all types of fun things to do here. You can check out some of my favorite poems in my poetry section, you can get your groove on to some of my favorite songs, or you can be amazed by the flying names of my friends on my "Shout Out Page of Fame." Well...being on my page does not really make you famous but you should check it out you might even see your name.

Ok well now that you have been properly welcomed I think I should tell you a little more about myself. Well if you did not know by now my name is Vanessa Outland and I am a student at Howard University. I was born to Raymond and Edmonia Outland on Oct 23, 1982 in Trenton, New Jersey. JERSEY WHAT!!! Well actually we did not live there long. We quickly went back to my parents native country of Liberia West Africa. I lived there for a couple of years, enjoying my Christmas Holidays on the beach. However, in keeping with the tradition of intercontinental mobility (BIG WORDS RIGHT) we moved back to the States and lived in Rhode Island before we finally settled in Maryland. Well I don't want to bore you with my whole life story, but I figure you know enough about me to feel comfortable hanging out in my internet home.

Thank you for taking this time to spend with me . Go and check out the rest of my page. May the Lord make you as great as he intended you to be when he created you

In His Service,
Ms. Vanessa M. Outland