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Prologue: Well, its almost time. Its almost time for the last Exile to take place before RIW's first Pay Per View, Divine Inspiration. Tommorrow night, The FBI will be taking on The Los Guerreros and it seems from the last time we saw them that they seem ready for the match and boy will they have to be. They will be taking on a tag team that is not like those they have ever faced. This tag team is not like Spenis or The Jericho Bunch who were not worthy of even stepping foot in the ring with The FBI. No. They're facing one who is in the main event of the Pay Per View and his tag team partner who, well, isn't that good but hell he's better than Val Venis! This also goes for the Los Guerreros, because the Los Guerreros have never went up against RIW's True Mafia. They have never faced Tha Bull before! But they will this Monday night. They will try to tame the Bull like many others have tried to. But the fact of the matter is that can't nobody tame Tha Bull! And just like all the others, The Los Guerreros will...

Get Ran Tha Fuck Ova'!!

Scene Number: 1
Scene Title: Johnny's Dream Unfolds
Scene Location: A Door To A Hotel Room At The Top Floor

The scene slowly fades in and we see Johnny/Eddie and Chavo standing infront of the door. Chavo begins to speak.

|- Chavo 'Chavito' Guerrero -| You ready to do this, uncle?

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| For, the last time...I'm not you're fuckin' uncle! Now lets get this shit ova' with!

Chavo knocks on the door and the door opens. Some man with a bald spot in the middle of his head stands at the door and invites them inside. Then he begins to speak.

|- Tha Yayo Man -| You tha vatos Miguel sent, eh? You guys got tha money?

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Yeah, we got tha money. You got tha stuff?

|- The Yayo Man -| Yeah, I got tha stuff but its not here. Its somewhere in the back.

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Wait a minuet! I've seen this shit somewhere before! This is a set up! Chavo, lets shoot these fuckin' strunzos!

Johnny takes out his gun and starts putting holes in everyone he sees! Chavo doesn't understand whats going on but does the same. Everyone is lying on the floor dead. Johnny sees the a brown breifcase and then turns to Chavo.

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Chavo, get tha' yayo!

Chavo does what he's supposed to and they both leave the hotel room and run downstairs and hop into the car. Johnny leans upfront and takes out his gun and puts it up to Miguel's head.

|- Miguel Garica -| Hey, whats going on esse?!

|- Chavo 'Chavito' Guerrero -| Yeah, what are you doing, uncle?

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Don't worry about what I'm doing. I know you fuckin' strunzos tried to set me and Chavo up back there!

|- Miguel Garcia -| What are you talking about, esse? We sent you in there to get the yayo and...

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Yeah well I got tha yayo and you two cafones are gonna take me and Chavo to see you're boss because I'm not giving yous guys this without getting paid a price, capeish?!

|- Miguel Garcia -| Capeish?!

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Do you understand what I'm saying, you fuckin' strunzo?!

|- Miguel Garcia -| Yeah, I understand. Pepe, drive to The Big Valbowski's Estate!

Johnny/Eddie Guerrero has a very puzzled look on his face and Chavo also looks confused by Johnny/Eddie's actions as the driver drives off. The scene slowly fades to black.

Scene Number: 2
Scene Title: Johnny Meets The Big Valbowski
Scene Location: Right infront of The Big Valbowski's Estate.

The scene slowly fades in and we see a car pull up infront a huge mansion. Miguel then begins to speak.

|- Miguel Garcia -| Ok esse, we're here.

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Ok...

Johnny, without hesitation shoots Miguel in the head. Then he shoots the driver. Johnny gets out of the car and is followed out of the car by Chavo. Chavo looks confused and begins to speak.

|- Chavo 'Chavito' Guerrero -| What did you do that for, uncle?!

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Because I'm not dealing with no middle men! I'm going to take ova' and be tha don!

|- Chavo 'Chavito' Guerrero -| Tha Don?! What are you talking about uncle?

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| We are taking ova', thats what I'm talking about! We did all tha work and we should get paid for it and if anyone says otherwise we are gonna...[ Johnny goes to speak but feels something taking over him. ] Bury Them Cockaroaches!!

|- Chavo 'Chavito' Guerrero -| Yeah thats right uncle! Lets go get them! Viva La Raza!

Johnny/Eddie walks towards the door to the estate as Chavo follows him. Johnny walks up to the door and knocks on it. The door is opened by a security guard and they walk in. They see what looks to be Val Venis there with a drink in his hand. He begins to speak.

|- 'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis -| You must be the guys that Miguel brought in.

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| Yeah you fuckin' right we are! We got the crack and the money but before I give you these things, we need to talk, in private.

|- 'Tha Big Valbowski' Val Venis -| Ok, no problem.

Val goes upstairs and Chavo and Johnny/Eddie follows him. They go into Val's room and Val shuts the door behind him. Val begins to speak.

|- 'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis -| Ok, what did you guys want to talk about.

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| We through with this middle man shit! We want to take ova' tha whole thing! We want a bigger piece of the pie!

|- 'The Big Valbowski' Val Venis -| But you just got here. If you continue to do a good job for me maybe you will rise up int he ranks but you have a lot of work to do before that happens.

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| See thats where ya wrong you fuckin' strunzo! My time is now!

Chavo and Johnny/Eddie both take out their guns as Val yells out for security. Chavo shoots Val and kills him. Chavo then rushes do the door and hears a lot of people rushing up the stairs. He then turns to Johnny/Eddie and begins to speak.

|- Chavo 'Chavito' Guerrero -| What are we gonna do now, uncle?!

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| I know what you're going to're going to sleep wit tha' fishes!

Johnny/Eddie then shoots and kills Chavo. Johnny then goes over to Val's closet and gets the biggest gun he can find. Then something takes over him and Johnny finds himself going over to Val's desk, opening up his drawer and getting out a box. Then pouring it out on the desk and finds that its crack. He then finds himself sniffing a lot of it up and then finds himself going towards the door. He then starts yelling uncontrolably.

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| You wanna play?! Ok! Say Hello To My Little Friend!!

Johnny/Eddie blows the door open with his big machine gun and then sees all of the security guards up and down the stairs. He starts firing away and killing all of them while also taking shots. Once he kills them all the stands triumphantly and starts yelling uncontrolably once again.

|- Johnny Tha Bull/Eddie Guerrero -| You thought you could fuck wit' me?! I'm Eddie Guerrero!! I'll take you all to fuckin' hell!!

All of a sudden the camera shows someone walking up behind him. It looks to be Johnny 'The Bull' Stamboli dressed in a leather coat and black sunglasses holding a double barrel shotgun. He creeps up behind Johnny/Eddie and Johnny then feels something poking him in the back and has a fearful look on his face as the camera quickly goes to black. What does this dream mean?! What happened?! We will never know but we are now in Johnny's hotel room where he is still asleep. Its morning now and all of a sudden the phone rings. Johnny lets it ring for awhile and then rolls over and answers it.

|- Johnny 'Tha Bull' Stamboli -| Hello?

|- 'Johnny's Cousin' Vito -| Hey Johnny, its me, Vito.

|- Johnny 'Tha Bull' Stamboli -| Hey Vito, whats going on?

|- 'Johnny's Cousin' Vito -| I just wanted to see how you were doing and if you were ready for you're match tonight.

|- Johnny 'Tha Bull' Stamboli -| Yeah I'm ready. Why do you fuckin' people keep asking me that?!

|- 'Johnny's Cousin' Vito -| Maybe because this is a huge match, Johnny, and we don't want you to blow it!

|- Johnny 'Tha Bull' Stamboli -| Don't worry about it, Vito. I won't blow it! Eddie and that strunzo Chavo doesn't stand a chance against me and Chuck! I'm gonna prove to the world that The FBI is the real fuckin' deal! Eddie and Chavo are the ones you need to be worrying about! They are the ones that will be facing The FBI! They don't call me 'Tha Bull' for nothing, Vito, and you know this!

|- 'Johnny's Cousin' Vito -| Yeah I know.

|- Johnny 'Tha Bull' Stamboli -| And soon everyone will know that when you fuck wit' Tha Bull you get...

Ran Tha Fuck Ova'!!

The camera slowly fades to black as Johnny hangs up the phone.

© Graphics Were All Made By Justin. Rplay Was Done By Mike J.