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A Country Boy and His Dog

Hey ya'll what's up? Not really sure why you're visting my page...guess you must be kinda bored huh. Well here is a lil bit about me...I'm 22 and from the be specific a small town in the moutians of Virginia. I don't really drink very much, don't see no need to drink my problems away when everything I'll ever need is promised to me in the Good Book. Yep that's right I'm a Christian and believe in God with all my heart, don't care what ya'll think of that cause I know he's the only way to be happy. I'm 6'2 and athletic...but kinda eyes...but don't think to much of it cause I do kinda have a special someone that I care about alot. Sorry if that upsets you but that's just how it goes. I've been to Canada and a couple of beaches and I still will swear up and down that no one knows how to treat a girl like a country boy does. I have a puppy, he's kinda like my sidekick...he's a Bassett Hound named Oreo Biskit.