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My Newsboys Picture Page

here is where I am just putting pictures...I got these from all over the web and I am not sure who fron or where if you see something that is probably from your site sorry...and if you want I can remove them :)

At First there was 6 (this might not be the original 6 but...) John James (front Man, crazy Dancer, and Singer), Peter Furler (Drummer, Guitar, Singer) (these two were the original band mates) Jody Davis(Lead Guitar, Singer), Duncan Phillips(Drums, Percussion, and before Jeff-Keyboards), Jeff Frankenstien (Keyboards), and Phil Joel(bass, Singer)... then John James Left and went back to Australia So Peter had to move to the front man position which he didn't like very much and Duncan moved to Full time Drummer except for the occastional time when Peter and Duncan Drum together...up side down So the guys travel a lot...and they like to ride bikes, so they bring their bikes with them everywhere and ride them when ever they get a chance this is Peter he plays everything under the sun I think, and sings a little :) here is Phil, he is cool like that, don't you love his hair!! Duncan is awesome and he seems like a sweet guy (never met him...any of them really) Duncan has the best facial expressions!! Jeff plays the Keys and he is so funny to watch, he also seems like a cool guy (again never met him) Jody is awesome!! he is my favorite and like all the other guys he gets so into the music it is so awesome to watch him play and sing...and don't let his non-smile get you....I hear that he is really nice, and he does smile (not that I have met him...yet again)