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Seems as though my entire list of friends have changed. A good thing...I think!

First and Foremost

My Little One

I have yet to meet you (to see your precious face or hold your tiny hand), yet I love you more than life itself. How is that possible? I can't even understand it. I must tell you the truth though. I'm scared. I know I'm supposed to be big and brave for you, but the truth is that I'm scared. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I know we will survive. I don't know all the answers, but I promise you little one....I will try. No matter how scared I may be right now, I know one thing is for sure. I know we can make it. I know I have the strength to go on and I know that for you, I will continue with all my might. I love you my child and I will always be with you....forever. I love you baby Jonah!

It's just you and me little one...just you and me....

Some Great Friends

Jax: Hey hun! Wow, what can I say. We've been through so much together. I just need to say thank you. Thank you for your love and for your support! I hope things are going a little better for you at home. Call if you need me. Love you girl!! *hugs* *misses you* (and tell Frankie that I think he is the luckiest guy in the world, cuz he's got a great girl!!)

Aaron: *poke!!* Thanks for all the advice! You'd make a pretty good therapist, you know?'ve had plenty of practice on me, that's for sure! *poke* Good luck in your new apartment and give Angie a hug for me. Miss you guys! Teddy Grams??? Chicken Dance Elmo???.....ummm...I don't think so! haha

Angie: You got a good one there. Keep him around for awhile! hehe Give me a call so we can go out and do something! Take a little break from work and school and have some fun!

The Boyz

Sean: I don't have much I want to say to you....all that needs said is that it doesn't matter what happened between us because through it all, I got the only thing worth having from you...the baby that's growing inside of me right now. Nothing else matters anymore....

Scottie: Good luck with the new job and school. Relax a little and have some fun.

Conrad: I'm not short, you're just too tall! haha Beer, Girls, Football. Has it changed any since you've been in Florida? hehe Don't forget to come see me sometime!

Ben: Bengie! I miss you babe. I keep seein you around but we never really get to talk. We have got to get together and catch up. How am I to know what is going on in your crazy life if you don't keep in touch? hehe I love you. *hugs*

The Texas Crew

Just want to say thank you to each of you for your love and your support. Friends like you make a time like this much easier! *hugs to all!*

Da' Lynchburg Peeps

Just wanna say a mad shout out to all the guys in Lynchburg. I miss you all and I thank you all for being there. You each touched my life in some way and I will never be able to thank you enough. Thanks and hugs to: Christi (you are beautiful!), Brynn (hey gurl!), Katie, James (frat-boy for life), Sean, Jesse, Rob (come home and see me), and Becks (awesome roommate). Love and luck to you all.

All in Da' Family

Rachel: Lil' sis! I know we fight a lot but I love you just the same. You are growing up so fast. It seems as though just yesterday I was teaching you how to write and how to add and subtract. Now you're only two years away from graduation! hehe, oh well, I knew it would happen one day. You are also learning a lot about life right now. You will face a lot of things within the next few years, and I don't want you to do it alone, like I did. Don't ever be scared to ask me something. I will always give you an honest answer and I will be here for you. I have been there and done that, and I will do anything to hlep you. You are a beautiful and intelligent young lady and I know you will go far in life. Don't ever let anyone get in the way of your dreams and don't let anyone put you down. Happiness is the key to life, and don't ever forget that. Reach for the stars and you are sure to get to the moon. I love you!

Mandy: Heya cuz. I wish you the best at Spotswood and in your future. You are a great girl and you deserve the best. Don't ever accept anything less (from a guy or anyone else). And remember that I am always here if you need someone. Love you.

Alicia: Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope all is well. Be careful in all you do. I love you girl.

Last Updated: November 10, 2002