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Strip-Pieced Lone Star


NOTE:  We are using a Radiant Star layout where the colors shade out from the center to form a ring where the widest section of each point joins, then shade back to the outside points. All the following fabric requirements are for a star which finishes out to appoximately 69" square and makes a large lap quilt. If you wish to make the quilt larger, I would suggest "floating" the star by using extra background fabric to frame it out. It could also be turned on point, using a square-in-square setting, and bordered out.

 Strips are cut at 2 ¼”.


FABRICS -- 8 Fabrics 


A -- ¼ yard, cut 2 strips

B – 3/8 yard, cut 4 strips

C – ½ yard, cut 6 strips

D – 5/8 yard, cut 8 strips

E – ¾ yard, cut 10 strips

F – 7/8 yard, cut 12 strips 

G – 1 yard, cut 14 strips 

H – 1 ½ yards, cut 16 strips


2 1/3 yards for a large lap quilt


2 ¼ yards for lap quilt, cut lengthwise



NOTE: Unless directed otherwise, press all seams open rather than to one side. Pressing the seams open eliminates bulk and makes it easier to match the seams in the diamonds.


Step 1 -- Lay out strips in the order needed for each star point. 


A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H

B    C    D    E    F    G    H    G

C    D    E    F    G    H    G    F

D    E    F    G    H    G    F    E

E    F    G    H    G    F    E    D

F    G    H    G    F    E    D    C

G    H    G    F    E    D    C    B

H    G    F    E    D    C    B    A



Step 2 – Sew the strips together, offsetting the beginning of each strip by 2”. 



Step 3 – Line up the 45° marking on your ruler so that it’s parallel with the seams of each strip set.  Make the first cut to set the proper angle. 



Then, measure and cut 2 ¼” strips as usual.  Stop after 4 strips, recut the angle if necessary, then cut the remaining 4 strips.  Handle these strips gently to avoid stretching the bias edges. 



Stack the strips and line up these stacks so that the colors are still in order.


Step 4 – Pick up the first 2 strips for a diamond.  On the wrong side of each strip, measure and mark ¼” from the edge across the first, center and last seams.  These are your match points. 


 Use a standing pin to join each match point with its partner on the other strip. 




Gently bring the strips together, lining up the cut edges.  Put two pins on either side of the standing pin, remove the standing pin, then run a few stitches of basting over each match point.  Open out the strips and see that the points match as they should.  If everything looks good, reset your machine for a shorter stitch and sew the entire seam.

Continue marking and adding strips until the whole diamond is pieced. 


Step 5 – Turn each diamond wrong side up, and mark ¼” seam allowances at each point.  The marks should cross to form an X at each point.  The center of this X is the match point for each section.  Also mark across the first, middle and last seams of each edge, just as you did when joining the rows.  These are the match points for your joining seams.




Step 6 – Each diamond has 2 bias edges and 2 straight grain edges.  Measure 2 or 3 diamonds along the straight edge, take an average, and cut 4 squares to this measure plus 2”.  (app. 23” square)  Now, lay two diamonds side by side as if they were seamed together.  Measure between the outside points, add 3”, and cut one square to this measurement.  (app. 32” square)  Cut this square twice on the diagonal to make 4 triangles.



Step 7 – Mark match points in the one corner of each square and the top corner of each triangle.  Measure along the straight edge between the match points of 2 or 3 diamonds.  Take an average, then mark this measurement at adjoining corners on the squares and the remaining 2 corners of the triangles. Mark in ¼” from the edge to form another X match point.


Step 8 – Use standing pins to join the match points at the beginning and end of each seam.  Line up raw edges and pin the layers together, easing any fullness evenly between the pins.  You may need to fold back part of a background piece or a diamond in order to have a clear sewing path. 



Sew the seam beginning at the edge of the fabric on the outside point and ending precisely at the match point on the inside point.  Backstitch a couple of stitches at the end of each seam. 


Press the seams between star points open.  Press outer seams toward the background fabric.

Follow the diagram below to set the top together. 


