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...The fragrance always remains
in the hand that
gives the rose

Hello, Yes! I am a true Jazz lover hence the name. I particularly enjoy Be-bop and artists like Miles Davis, Dexter Gordon, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Coleman Hawkins, Johnny Hodges (soulfully sweet) to name a few. My favourite vocalist is Johnny Hartman especially accompanied by Coltrane. Hartman, like most great Jazz artists, never got the recognition he deserved in the United States...A sad commentary on a racist society when Black Artists had to go abroad to be accepted as men and women deserving of citizenry, and for their genius and contribution to the world to be recognized and applauded. Of course I enjoy the sultry ladies of Jazz Ella, Carmen, Sarah, Lorez Alexandria, Nina, Abby and others...yes, it`s a passion and I`ve been collecting the music for over 30 years.

A visit to my home will most definitely find me listening to my music..can`t live without it. I`m from the Republic Of Guyana, (formerly British Guiana) located on the northern tip of South America, and have been calling New York my "home" away from home for the past several years. I love antiques and am building quite a collection....I could spend hours at an antique fair or flea market just looking for that special something.

My professional time is spent conducting workshops and making presentations on the need for community inclusion and integration for all people with developmental disabilities. I do this locally in New York City and around the country. I`m also an adjunct lecturer at the City University here. I work tirelessly as an advocate which involves a significant amount of political lobbying and parent empowering. I particularly try to reach out to Black families who have children with disabilities and are struggling with a million questions and no clear answers. This is my life`s work. There is perhaps a selfish reason for my enthusiasm and dedication. You see, I am the proud parent of a gorgeous 30 year old son who has Autism. Somehow I have turned my advocacy for his right to a life with dignity into a profession and a means to help others regardless of their disability.


Autism is a baffling disorder that affects mostly males.In the last five years the numbers have grown significantly, national statistics claim 1 in 250. It is especially high in the Black community. Take notice: Children exhibiting over active behaviours and who are seemingly not interested in "things" about them, and having problems in school may very well be somewhere along the Autism spectrum. Early detection and intervention are key. There is ongoing debate about the Measels, Mumps, Rubella vaccination(MMR) given to young children as a possible cause of Ausism. Children are not born with this disorder. It begins to appear somewhere between one and a half and three years. Visit my Autism link...

Added to my crew are three beautiful daughters Dale(23 November 1963 - 26 December 2002), Candace and Constance, and eight terrific grandchildren Tabitha, Anjelica, Foster, Jr.,Millani, Justice, Marley, Logan and Tylor..

My youngest daughter and her children

My youngest daughter and I

My grandson Justice

My grandson Novelle Marley

My mother's brother living it up in Brazil

He's the last living link to my past
Oba! Oba!

I`ve met some rather interesting people on the internet and have formed some great relationships..Three cheers for technology..Now that I have embarked on the second half of my life I am filled with enthusiasm with the knowledge that I have come this far.I am ready to live my life for me..I have an opportunity to do all things and everything. The hardest part is now behind me. This is a beginning over which I have much control..Oh! what a journey..but look where I am now, Life is wonderful!

The words most used to describe me are no nonsense, formidable, strict, intimidating...Alas! I have become my father, my biggest hero next to my son. My friends, however, have all added humourous, crazy, fun loving, caring and kind to the equation. This juxtaposition of descriptives balances me out in a good way. Friendships are important to me and are lifelong so I take my time in forming new ones.> I am at a place in my life now where I truly like myself and appreciate all the sacrifices and struggles I`ve endured over the years..I have certainly gotten better with age. At 58,there is clarity..

Larraine, my friend for 44 years and I

Eddie Taylor my friend of 42 years..He`s a singer and musician and makes his home in Holland

My son`s Autism has had a profound effect on my life (I`m in the process of writing a book about this), and has certainly made me a better person with a spiritual belief in God. I`ve learned what it really means to love unconditionally, and how to not take anything or anyone for granted. I respect honesty and expect it from everyone...I could forgive almost anything if one is honest with me. Negative people have no place in my life, they sap my life`s energy.Add to that, Black women who continue to decry Black men rather than support them. I abhor blatant stupidity, racists, people who don`t read, won`t read, don`t listen, lack vision, have an aversion to knowledge, yet profess to know.

The over representation of Black students, especially males in special education, is a constant frustration for me..I`m outraged that Black elected officials are not doing enough to stop this mental lynching. This must not continue..As a group we all need to take some action to ensure that our young Black men are given a proper education...We have to stop the miseducation..African Americans must take the responsibility of educating their children....Teach a child to read... Become involved, mentor a child...Do something...make a difference! Take someone`s hand..

A great sense of humour goes a long way with me, and I pride myself of mine...darn, if I think it`s funny, I`m laughing anyplace, anytime, regardless. It allows me to not take myself too seriously. I`m an avid camper and have camped in over 35 different states. My favourite vacation is to hit the road, find a trail, set up camp and set out in a canoe. I`ve driven as far as Mexico City camping along the way.Awesome!! I am at peace when I do this, and do my best thinking and planning.

In Denver July 2001

Come Share a glass of wine with me

Romance and companionship are important to me, yes, I am an incurable romantic..give me candlelight, fresh flowers, good wine, jazz and my companion at my side...All is well!! I love dancing, snow and rain. Driving to the beach on a snowy or rainy night does wonders for me...everyone should do that sometime..remember to take along a bottle of wine.I enjoy political debates and have a keen interest in world politics especially Developing Nations and can get quite lively with this. My biggest dream was and perhaps still is, to become President of my country. Who knows! But, I would like to be remembered as a woman who fought for equal rights for people with Developmental Disabilities everywhereand made a worthwhile contribution to the betterment of their lives....Let my work speak for me...

People With Disabilities are just People

We, as parents, educators, as a society are charged with the responsibility of undoing years of learned attitudes and behaviours towards people with disabilities. Attitudes and behaviours that have allowed "us" to enable people to be disabled. We are coming from a place that vey clearly says that it`s an "us" and "them" world. Little attention has been paid to the human aspect of the "them" in our midst. No argument or debate is necessary in order for "us" to conclude that people with disabilities who are different from the accepted norm, have been placed outside of, and apart from the general society. we already know this to be true. People with disabilities are people regardless, and thus deserving of the same level of respect, care, love, thought and opportunities afforded other citizens. Given the right kind of supports, "they" can become valued members of their communities.

"We" have the power to make inclusion happen. "We" have used that power to successfully exclude people from life, all in the guise of protecting them. The big question is protection from what, and at what cost? There is no dollar amount for the loss of human dignity, those costs are not easily quantifiable. Those of us with the power have gone to great lengths to maintain people in ways that are totally out of the ordinary in group homes and sheltered places. We have offered little or no opportunities for people to participate in their own existence....I say existence because what we have offered is merely that.

The movement to include people does notlookaway from the fact that there is risk involved. However, the charge to all of us is to support people in meaningful ways while managing that risk. Taking risk is part of living life. "We" do it everyday. And, is it not that risk taking that hasallowed us to use"our" power toexclude people who we have deemed different, powerless and not necessary?

All people have the right to fail at the things they choose to do, and to learn from the experiences. It is no longer enough for "us" to behave as though "we" have exclusive rights to the ordinary things in life. Inclusion is a right not a privilege. We cannot afford to have people with disabilities continue to be on the outside looking in, or worse, to be on the inside looking out. We cannot continue to maintain lives with no promise. It`s up to all of "us". When we clip the wings of birds we take away their ability to fly, to soar, to explore. When we take away people`s opportunities to know their communities, to know life, we take away their ability to participate, to soar to explore..Together we can make a difference..

Spencer my son
The photographs of that handsome 6ft 3 inches tall young man at the end of my page is Spencer.He is the love of my life and the architect of who I am today. He continues to be my best teacher.The son in whom I am well pleased. By the way he`s accepting smiles, so if your paths should cross reach for one of yours and share with him, he`ll reciprocate.
Spencer, my dear son,you are the creator's special gift to me

Spencer (age 6) and I exploring rocks and moving water in the mountains

18 November 2002..Spencer and I...He turned 30 today...

A young jazzsis 1968

November 2002...34 years later...only I have changed

1968 -New York University..a serious time for thoughts about being BLACK in AMERICA
and being confronted by RACISM

jazzsis 2001

jazzsis 2002

My Son Spencer's page

Memorial to my daughter Dale

Blues Legends

Male Drummers

lady Drummers

The Jazz Greats

My Professional Website