
No Mercy was one of the most unpredictable nights we have ever witnessed, this pay per view kept us on our feet the whole night, from beginning till the end, from Shane McMahon being fired to Rhino becoming the new World Champion, also Test defeating 16 other men to win the Battle Royal, after No Mercy we are definatly beginning a NEW CHAPTER ON SMACKDOWN!



At No Mercy, we saw Goldust, Carlito Caribbean Cool, and Bret Hart, beat eachother to death in a Best Man Standing match for the Pay Per View Title. These three men gave it all they had and fought eachother to the bitter end.

At the end of the match, Carlito Caribbean Cool was victorious and was rewarded the Pay Per View. Now it would seem that, that would be the end of the Carlito Caribbean Cool vs. Bret Hart chapter, but that is not the case here, this Thursday, these two men will once again face each other for the third week in a row, this time it will be a ‘I Quit’ match, which the only way you can win is too make you opponent say ‘I Quit’.And what better way for the Excellence of Execution to get his bitter revenge than to make the man that defeated him for the Pay Per View Title, Carlito Caribbean Cool, scream and yell the words ' I QUIT' This is a must win for The Hitman because Carlito is currently up 1 - 0, The Hitman can't lose two in a row, and he vows for some bitter revenge!


Scene 1
Wrestling Archives

The scene opens up looking at a two story building, that seems to be some sort of wrestling archive, a black car pulls up in the parking lot, and a man steps out of the car with a black leather jacket on with the pink hart and black skull on the back of it, and that man is Bret Hart, Bret walks into the building

Lady Hello sir, welcome to the wrestling archive center, anything I can help you find today?

Excellence Of Execution No, I think I'll find everything ok

Lady Ok, let me know if I can help you find anything

Bret Hart Ok, thank you

Bret is walking through the building and the center is split up into sections, Bret looks to his left and sees 'NWA Archives', he looks to his right and sees 'WCW Archives', he takes the elevator to the next floor and to his left he sees 'WWF Archives' and to the right he sees 'New Japan Archives', Bret walks to the WWF Archives, and the WWF Archives is filled from framed wrestling belts, to autographed pictures to various video tapes, so just checking things out, Bret walks to the video tape section, now when he walks in, he seems a Survivor Series section, Royal Rumble Section,Wrestlemania section and so forth, so then, Bret walks to the very large RAW section which they are lined up according to when they happened, and Bret pulls out an old RAW tape,he takes a look at the cover and then at the back cover

Bret Hart Hmm..Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, hmmm, interesting

Bret steps into a video watching booth and pops the tape in, he fast forwards it to the end of the match, and watches the end of it

See Into The Eyes Of The Hitman
Bret smiles and nodes his head in approval as he watches the video, when it's over, Bret steps out of the booth, and somebody that works at the archive stops Bret

Archive Worker You finding everything ok..., hold on you look familiar

Archive Worker Do I? Who do I look like?

Archive Worker Get outta here, are you Bret Hart

Bret Hart I could be, are you a fan?

Archive Worker For 15 years bro

Bret Hart Yes I am Bret Hart

Archive Worker Aww man, this is crazy, what brings you here man

Bret Hart I was just lookin at some of the stuff ya'll got in here, and I was checkin out a old RAW tape

Archive Worker Oh cool

Bret Hart Yea man, so how you like it here

Archive Worker It's awesome man, all kinds of people come in here, and I've been a wrestling fan since day 1 so you know it's good, yea last week Terry Funk was here, it's crazy

Bret Hart That's sounds cool, have you been watching wrestling lately?

Archive Worker Yea as a matter of fact I ordered that No Mercy the other night, I was rooting for you bro what happened?

Bret Hart Carlito got the best of me, not much more I can say, ya know, but Thursday is a new day and I guarantee the outcome of this match will not be the same as it was at No Mercy

Archive Worker I hope not bro, because I almost slipped on my spilt beer rooting for you, man you gotta kick the living hell out of Carlito, I can't stand him, he reminds me too much of Razor Ramon, and I can't stand Razor Ramon either

Bret Hart I hear you man, yea it won't be the same, you know I am sick and tired, every single week looking across that week and seeing the same person, Carlito the week before last, Carlito last week, Carlito this week, you know a way I can just get rid of that and not worry about Carlito anymore? Just take him out the equation totally, something I should have done a long time ago, but now I'm not going to let that chance go, you can bet your ass man that i will take Carlito out once and for all. I've had this feeling millions of times before but you have no idea how good it feels locking the sharpshooter and feeling your opponent tap for their lives, and I will once again have that feeling when I lock Carlito's legs in the Sharpshooter, then he will have no place to go and then the whole world will hear the words...I QUIT, plus nobody likes Carlito, like you said he's just a Razor Ramon ripoff, and you know what happened to Razor, he became known as a drunk and faded away, Carlito will receive the same fate, only he won't fade away because of drinking problems, he will fade away because when I hear him say I quit, I won't let go, I'll let go when I hear something crack

Archive Worker I hear you bro, definatly, yea man, I gotta get back to work but i'll be checking you out on Velocity though man, see you later bro

Bret Hart Ok bro take it easy

The worker guy walks away and Bret continues to walk through the archives, and he goes to the UP AND COMING SUPERSTARS part of the Archives, and he walks in a sees pictures of John Cena, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy,and he sees another picture in the distance but can't quite make out who that is, he comes in a little closer...

What Picture Is It?
Bret Hart You can't be serious

Bret looks down and he sees a caption that says 'Carlito Caribbean Cool,On January 29, 2000, Colón defeated Ray González in Carolina, Puerto Rico for the World Wrestling Council Universal title no more than 1 year after his pro debut. After losing the title, he regained it on July 16 of 2000 from González in Cagus, Puerto Rico. The WWE became vacate and once again he captured the title on November 25, 2000. By December 1st 2001 he had claimed his fourth WWC Universal Title. Carlos and his brother Eddie defeated Thunder and Lightning on March 16, 2000 to gain the WWC world tag team titles. Carlos then claimed the help up WWC Universal title when he defeated Vampiro Fajardo in Puerto Rico on April 13, 2002. It is clear to see that early in his career he had already began to make a name for himself and was going to become a big star. He then teamed up with Konnan defeated Thunder and Lighting in Caguas to win the tag team titles on May 26, 2002. Soon after he began a rivalry with Konnan and defeated him to become once again the WWC Universal title holder. For his seventh WWC universal title reign, he defeated Sabu. In June 2003, he signed a developmental contract with WWE. This was the beginning of the big time for him. Once again he claimed the WWC Universal title though, this time defeating Bronco. The rivalry between Eddie and Carlos went on though, they met in Caguas once again and Carlos defeated him once more. WWE called Carlos in August of 2004 to the Smackdown Brand. He was then seen in his promos for Carlito Caribbean Cool. Coming soon. On October 5, 2004 at the taping of Smackdown in Boston, Carlito Caribbean Cool defeated John Cena for the United States Title. This was Carlitos debut..and already a title holder once is clear to see that by this history Carlito Caribbean Cool is a very accomplished and well rounded wrestler(source If Carlito keeps his pace up he'll be with elite company in no time

Bret Hart Look at this clown, how in the world did I let him beat me? He looks like a clown, that's it on Velocity I'm taking this guy out so he can save himself the Carlito saying I quit....that's cool

Scene 2
Erie Civic Center, Erie, Pennslyvania

We are at the very place where Smackdown! will be this Thursday Night, the Erie Civic Center in Erie, Pennslyvania, the scene opens up and we see yet another video yet this time of Wrestlemania XIII with Bret Hart's match with Steve Austin in a I Quit match, and Bret is sitting down watching the tape with a smerk on his face, a knock comes at the door and Bret pauses the tape at the part where the camera zooms in on Austin's bloody face, Bret gets up and answers the door and it's Michael Cole

Bret Hart Cole, what do you want I'm in the middle of something (Bret points to the TV Screen) as you can see

Michael Cole I just want to get your thoughts on this past week on Velocity, the chance to be the Pay Per View champion slipped through your hands

Bret Hart I know Cole, you don't have to tell me that, It's not the fact I lost the Pay Per View championship that gets me, It's that I lost to Carlito Caribbean Cool, but you kno that happens, but there is NO WAY IN HELL, that Carlito is going to beat the Excellence of Execution, 2 times in a row, especially with the type of match we are having

Michael Cole That's right a I Quit match, this has got to favor you a little

Bret Hart That's right it favors me, I've made so many people give up from the Sharpshooter, from Shawn Michaels to Steve Austin to Mr. Perfect, you name it, they've been in the Sharpshooter and tapped, and the same is with Carlito, once I get the Sharpshooter locked in there is NO WAY he will escape and you will hear the words I QUIT, you see Michael your right this match does give me a overwhelming advantage, because you, that's what I do for a living I make people quit as you can see(Bret once again points to the frozen picture on the tv), so it's not looking to good for Carlito right about now, and right now he is going to have to accept the fact is that is going to tap out to the most dominate hold in wrestling history, and he is going to be just one name added to a longgggggg list of legends that just...quit, you see Austin on that screen over there, he is just one of the few hundreds of men that found themselves locked in the jaws of the Sharpshooter and on Sunday Carlito will be no different, he will be excellently executed, and once I take him out the equation like I said I'm going to do because I'm tired of looking at his mug every single week, he will find out why I am..


Bret walks away from Michael Cole and sits back down and watches Austin bleed and scream for his life at Wrestlemania XIII