Principal Investigator Dr. Paul Gueye
Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Alicia Uzzle

This proposal will establish partnerships among Hampton, Norfolk State, North Carolina A&T, Jackson State, and Fisk Universities, and local rural and urban school districts (Isle of Wight, Norfolk, Greensboro, Jackson and Nashville) by strengthening the development of mathematics and science for K-12 students through a K-12 Instructional Development in Science (KIDS) program.

The broader impact resides in the inclusion of five HBCUs, broadening the participation of underrepresented groups. The intellectual merit lies in the connectivity of several laboratories and pre-existing national programs for efficiently implementing the proposed activity.

KIDS focused on: raising test scores, lowering gaps between majority and disadvantaged students, developing student interest in mathematics and science, and improving pedagogy skills and knowledge of the teachers in these areas. It will reach 15,000 students and 750 teachers.

Universities will provide physics shows and tutoring assistance to K-12 students (undergrads) and lecturers (faculty personnel). Both teachers and students will be participating in K-12 programs at Jefferson Lab, BNL, Fermilab, MIT, and Harvard. Teachers will also develop hands-on activities on university campuses. Research projects for K-12 students will be implemented with supervision from university faculty, and selected projects will be presented at a dedicated meeting modeled after the American Physical Society.

In 2003, a sample of students from the Isle of Wight County School Division was selected to investigate implementation of such a program. This pilot year will allow to gather important information to serve as a basis for the KIDS program.

NSF Submitted version in pdf format (January 07, 2003).
Supplementary documents (pdf format).
List of Collaborators.
List of support letters.


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