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Federation for the Liberation Of Monsters Under Kilts

Monstruo Libre

Welcome to the FLOMUK homepage!

This Federation was founded in early 2004 by Pip, Satine, and Pervy out of gratitude to Billy Boyd for wearing his Clan Boyd kilt to the Screen Actors' Guild Awards.

Membership is free - the only requirement is that you be dedicated to the Liberation of Monsters Under Kilts! Particularly Billy Boyd's kilt.

Monstruo Libre - Free the Monster!

Added a profile for Francesca_JD90!

Added Kobes_number_1 and Francesca_JD90 to the list (124!) and a link to Jazz Spenser's IMDb profile! :)

Added Billy and Dom Fanatic! 122!

Added Mushroomfool and Amaurea - up to 121!!!

I added Zitrone to the list (total = 119!) and a profile for LOTR Pippin :) I'd like to remind y'all that you can send me a profile (or even a link to your LJ) to add to the list :)

I added Dotty23, Nicky838, and Hobbitredd to the list! 118 now!

Yes, I am still here! For those who were wondering what was going on with me, I am now a month away from having my third child - another boy :) I have been so busy lately, having to deal with the school for my daughter, dealing with hubby being on deployment, and everything else that it has keps slipping my mind to update! I am sorry for that :)

However, I just added 23 more members to the list! If I counted right, that means we have 115 now! Tell me if I missed anyone, ok? :)

I am so sory it took me this long! Some of you may already know that a lot has been going on (I'm preggers, hubby has been on deployment, and my keyboard stopped working) but I finaly got it done! I added 16 new members! That brings the count up to 92! I also added a profile for Flotsom :)

6/26/04 And two more makes 76!

6/25/04 Three new members! That makes 74!

6/7/04 Four new members, bringing the number of members up to 71! Welcome to FLOMUK :)

Added a bio for Weird Little Billy Lover! Remember, if anyone wants to have a bio page added, just e-mail me at

Ten new members added to the list :) Sorry about the wait!

Added some new members and a bio. Sorry it took so long, I have been busy!

A couple more members and bios :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Sorry this update took a while :) I added some new members and a couple of new profiles. If I forgot you (and I may have - things have gotten a bit jumbled in my mind lately) go HERE and remind me, ok?

Added a few new members! Welcome to FLOMUK!

Did a very slight redesign on the home page (right where you are) and added a few more members and a couple more Bio pages :) - remember, any member can provide me with a short bio for their own pages. Just visit me (Pip) at the Billy Boyd IMDb Board or at the Billy Boyd Board at EZ Boards!

I added some new members, a few more member Bio pages, and a new link! Much more coming soon!


