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The Hill's
The Hill's
Here is the family Scott, Vandy, Savannah and Alyssa.
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she loves chili

Comments (6) | Add a Comment

Looks like she has a face full of shit. It doesn't really matter because she is ugly anyway.
:) | July 03, 2005

whoever left that last comment is a jerk! She certainly does love her chili it looks like. Cute pic that you will share with her friends when she is like 14 years
nubee | July 03, 2005

Oh come on, there isn't even one cute thing about that kid. She looks like a poster child for shit-eaters anonymous. It might be cute if the kid was cute but that isn't so. I wish they would post pictures of the parents so we could see who the thing resembles.
:) | July 03, 2005

if i knew how to edit these messages I would
vandy | July 03, 2005

You asked people to leave comments. Why are people stupid enough to believe that everyone is going to lie to them about their kid? You should have said that you only want comments from blind or stupid people.
:) | July 03, 2005

Obviously someone is frustrated and jealous, probably cos they cant show pics of their own kids, cos they are only 10 years old theirselves.
I love the pics have great babies :))
Rhine | July 05, 2005