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this is baby sam , sam was born premature and may not make it . the bills keep getting higher, and higher. we dont know if were gonna make it. to know your hope relys on others helping you out or not being able to provide the care your child needs. it hurts my heart i am not one to ask for anything but we need your help any amount will be greatly appreciated . we will post updates here to let everyone know how he is doing , how do you deal with maybe losing your child or not haveing the money to get the help he needs ???????

please if your heart leads you there is a button at the bottom and its a secure site . godbless

I will always be honest and not make false statements in order to gain from the goodness of others. we will send a note of thank you to everyone who donates money even a dime. we will gladly accept any contribution, no matter how small or large. we promise that we will not share user information about people who contribute . we promise to be forthright


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