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The Sohn Family

Hi! My name is Helena and this is my family page. Let's start with me.

I am 24 years old, am married, and I have a baby boy named Michael. My husband's name is Dave. Here he is standing next to Daffy Duck.

He is 31 years old and is in the Navy. He is full Korean and I am Filipino and American. Like I said, we have a baby together. He is 7 1/2 months old now. He was born on September 2, 2002. And he is just my adorable pride and joy.
Here are some pictures of him.

This was when he was still in the hospital. Right after he was born. Here are some more pics of him in the hospital.

Here's some of him when he is finally home, at only a week old!

These are some close-ups of him at a week old.

Here he is sleeping with his daddy. He is almost a month old in this picture.

And here he is around Thanksgiving time. Look how handsome he is!

Here are some pics of him when he just turned 3 months old.

Here he is around Christmas-Almost 4 months old.

That's my cousin Gerard on the left and my cousin Kenneth on the right. Here are some of his 6 month old pics.

And here is my big boy now. At 7 1/2 months old!

Well, that's the whole family. Oh, wait! I musn't forget the pets. Here is a picture of our dogs. Tenchi(he's the brown one) is a Shiba Inu. And Conner is an English Setter.

We also have a bird named Cricket. He is a White Eyed Conure.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this page on my family! Hopefully I can get more pictures to put on. Thanx for visiting!

Old pics

old pictures page1
old pictures page 2