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Contest Rules

1. Contest Runs From N/A,  to N/A.  Please Make Sure You Are On Time.

2. All Avatars Are To Remain In GIF Format. All Large Images Are To Remain In JPG Format. Please Do Not Alter The Size Of The Images They Are To Remain The Same Size Just As They Are Posted.

3. Any Name Or Theme May Be Used On An Avatar Or Picture. 

4. Please Do Not Use Tubes.

5. Use Your Name In The File Name. IE: YourName.jpg or YourName.gif

6. I Don't Mind If You Enter More Than one Paint,  Per Image  Just Don't Get Carried Away

7. You Will Be Judged On Artistic Design, Clarity, Use Of Text And Workmanship. Meaning You're Cutting, Blending, Softening, To Make An Overall Beautiful Flowing Image.

8. Banners Will Be Given To 1st , 2nd And 3rd Place Winners. Each Month I will  Paste The Banners Of First Second And Third Place On My Page Until The End Of The Next Contest, And Will Replace The Banners With The New Winners. Within A Week Of The Ending Contest You Will Be Notified Via Email If You Have Won.

9. The Last And Most Important Rule.. Have Fun And The Best Of Luck To Everyone
..:: Email Me ::..



Any Name But Your Own Any Name But Your Own Any Name But Your Own
Any Av & Name But Your Own


This HAS To Stay The Same Size. Any Name Or Theme You Wish.