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My Peeps :)

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My New Haircut :o)

This is my long anticipated pic page...(sorry, it takes long to load...)

Of course some starting pics of my best friend, Jorge, and me! :)

Carebear and Junky

My family (Cara AKA Alex!, my dad, and me)

My BABY!! :oD

Wandi Girl! I miss you sweetie! Come back :o( (She's in Alaska now...)

Cute Wandi!!

Wandi and her froggie... best buddy...wha a geek... ;o)

Angel and Aragorn...(yes, I'm sucks...)

Some of my High School girls. (left to right: back row-Kat & Somer...front row- me, Jocelyn, Tiffany, Annia, and Beth)

My Senior Canada Trip! Awsome time! (me, Morgan, Kristin, and Liz)

Mis chicas!! (Lena, Mara, and Wandalys)

My FIG buddies! (David, Yuni, James, Audrey, Jason, Luis, Angel, and Rece (in front)

One of my roomies, Patti, and Me!

And this is her drunk :-D

My Biatches :oD

Andre! LOL :o)


Hehe...and the party begins! (David, James, and Jeremy)

Yuni, David, and me

Jeremy and Patti

Justin and Yuni

David, Jeremy, and James

Patti, David, and Yuni

Jeremy...I dunno....don't ask...

Me, David, and Patti

Shanda, David, and Patti

Haha, crazy Jeremy

David, Patti, and Diana

O boy...Big brother, Lil brother... (Jeremy and David)

See folks...this is why we SHOULDN'T drink...(Julie AKA Daisy and David)

James passed out...

Yuni passed out...

Jeremy passed out...

Justin passed out...hehe...I think the party's over...

The next morning...