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Global Warming

What Can You Do?

"You doomsayers are always wrong," one critic of the greenhouse effect railed at me as we discussed global warming.
 The critic was unwilling to concede that maybe "doomsayers" are "always wrong" because sometimes forestalling actions are taken based on their warnings.
-Harold W. Bernard, Jr.


Global Warming is one of the most debated issues in the   scientific community today. Debates occur daily over what the effects of Global Warming will be on the world and human activities that are today taken for granted. However, in the midst of all this deliberation, scientists often neglect to tell the citizens of the world what the problem is and what they can do on an individual basis. People are often left with the idea that they cannot impact Global Warming by themselves, and that no matter what they do, the Earth will suffer the catastrophic consequences of warming. However, as knowledge of the issue has increased, scientists have learned that Global Warming is not a problem that can be solved by merely preventing large factories from polluting, but instead, is a problem that must be solved with the help of every human being on the planet. In order to prevent the terrible impacts of Global Warming, such as wars over water supplies, droughts, floods, famine, and various other problems, the people of the world must work hand in hand to take steps towards helping the Earth in its fight against Global Warming. In order to fully understand how an individual can slow Global Warming, this site will examine what Global Warming is including its causes. It will also examine the impacts of Global Warming on the world and localities, what is being done on the global level to battle Global Warming, and what an individual can do to fight Global Warming.

What Is Global Warming?
Greenhouse Effect, Greenhouse Gases


By: Babak Mostaghimi

What Can You Do?
How can you help without creating a global organization?

In the News
 · Bush Will Not Regulate CO2 Emissions
 · Democrats Dislike Bush Emissions Decision
 · G8 Conference
 ·Democrats Seek To Reverse Bush Emissions Decision
Want To Learn More? Visit:
What Is Being Done Globally?
What are countries doing to slow and stop global warming?

What Are Its Effects?
Floods, Stronger Hurricanes, Droughts, Disease... Find out more...