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Dear Girl Scout Volunteers,

In an effort to show you how much we truly appreciate all that you do we will be giving away Leader Bucks. What?? You ask are Leader Bucks. They are play money that you can earn doing what you are already doing, being a GREAT Girl Scout Volunteer. At the end of the year Appreciation Dinner we will be holding an Auction of items that we collect throughout the year. At that time you can use your dollars to bid on whatever items catch your eye. There will be plenty of opportunities to earn Leader Bucks throughout the year. This is all in an attempt to encourage and reward effort that all of you put forth all year. On the other side of this letter is a chart showing how many bucks you will receive for each item completed. Every volunteer earns their own bucks and is responsible for keeping track of them. We suggest that you leave your envelope in a secure place so as not to loose them. You are welcome to leave them in your troop folder in the Service Unit Mail Boxes. If you have any questions or suggestions about this program please contact either SU Manager.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Lisa Dombayci & April Keller


Paperwork- As we all know paperwork is a very important and time-consuming part of Girl Scouting. So for turning in paperwork, on time, you will receive $10.00 in Leader Bucks. Eligible forms are: Volunteer Application, Appointment Form, Leadership Development Pin, Money Manager Report, and any other forms that you are asked to fill out.

Training- Training is another very important and time-consuming activity. So for every training you take throughout the Girl Scout year, from 001 and up, you will receive $20.00 in Leader Bucks. You can even count the training that your Parents take in support of your troop. Such as SHARE, Cookie, camping, and First Aid training. In this case the bucks would be split amongst all registered leaders of the troop.

Attending SU Meetings- Monthly SU meetings are the best way for you to find out what is going on in Girl Scouting, locally and abroad. So each volunteer attending a Service Unit meeting will receive $50.00 in Leader Bucks. We will strive to make meetings as painless as possible and if you have suggestions on how we can do that please let either SU Manager know.

SU Team Members- Those individuals that help out at the SU level and above will receive $100.00 in Leader Bucks. Examples are: Registrar, Product Sales Coordinators, Event Coordinators, Organizers, Association Delegates, etc.

You can also earn $5.00 in Leader Bucks for every SU and Council wide event or activity that your troop takes part in. Bucks would be equally divided among all registered leaders of the troop.

