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Kellie and Nicole's Photo Album

Over the course of the summer, Nicole and I are exploring our area here in Southeast Virginia. It's an area rich in history, especially the colonial and revolutionary periods. And for those of you familiar with the Virginia State Standards of Learning Exams (SOLs) that begin in the third grade, you understand the importance of Nicki having a familiarity with Virginia history. For those of you NOT familiar with the exams, these are tough standard exams all children MUST pass in order to continue on to the next grade, and the Virginia history segment, from what I hear, is quite thorough. So in other words, I'm hoping that our fun exploration this summer will also be a learning experience for Nicki and give her a leg up in those upcoming tests. And considering I was originally a History major in college, this is totally up my alley. Anyway...why not become a little more familiar with the area we live in, especially one so beautiful with such an interesting past. I hope you all enjoy seeing some of the adventures we have been on so far, and come back to check out where we go next!

The Nansemond Indian Museum

The Nansemond Indians were a tribe located near present day Suffolk, about a 30 minute drive from where we live. All of their lands were taken from them, and recently they have asked the City of Suffolk to return a 104 acre tract of land in which they hope to use to rebuild a replica of a Nansemond Village, where they can also build a larger museum and offer educational programs. They also have a Pow-Wow each year, and hope to stage it at the new location. Unfortunately, the City of Suffolk is refusing their request, instead offering them an 8 acre area for lease which is quite sad. Meanwhile, they have renovated an old grist mill and display old family heirlooms that have been passed down from generation to generation. It is some of the most excpetional beadwork I have ever had the privledge to witness.


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