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My Gaming Zone

get this gear!

get this gear!

<bgsound src="JimmyEatWorld_TheMiddle.mp3" loop=infinite>

Go to the place I got my free grfx(clip art stupid)

The Date is and this page was last updated Sunday, June 22, 2003 and I started this website in May 2003.

--Other Parts of this website--



Hey everyone sign my guestbook down below. Need help with HTML? Well just ask me for some help! Did you know Saddam spelled backward is Mad Ass? Scary.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

--Monkey Icons...and other ones too--

A.D.D. Q(-_-)Q PortoPotty Tipping Spank The Monkey Shock The Monkey Turn Into A Monkey William Tell Ride Fat Chicks


06/22/03 - I got back from Pennsylvania and New York today. Fun...I've added new HTML to the site, stuff like a scroll down menu and stuff. Okay...that's all for the news section for right now.

-Added new HTML stuff


06/16/03 - WHO SCHOOLED YOU! n00b GUESS WHO FIGURED OUT HOW TO PUT MUSIC ON HIS PAGE! NOT YOU...ME! Finally because I was getting mad with this music taking up 3 mb on my site and not knowing what to do with it. Now I can put music on my Final Fantasy page. Also, I changed the rule of no rock and roll :D

-Added "Final Fantasy Music" page to my site

-Added MUSIC!!!

-Got AOL back


06/07/03 - Ok...I've decided what music I want to put on my website. No rock and roll or anything like that. I'm going to put music from one of my favorite games. If you were to have a list of all time best games this one would be near the top. Final Fantasy 7 (FF7). It was the first game in it's series to go 3D. Best music. I'm listening to it while I'm writing this. I'm gonna put Jimmy Eat World too since I've already uploaded it to the site but most of the music will be Final Fantasy.


06/06/03 - Ok...I can't answer emails right now because i haven't got AOL set up yet but you can still contact me on AIM. My screenname is Mew3737. Also I got an 88/B on my exam today!...leaving me with a 93.9/A (rounding up to an A) in Science!

-Updated "Backgrounds Page"

-Added avatars (little guys next to date) next to each entry in "News" section

-Added "Favorite Links" list

06/05/03 - I finally got my computer back from Gateway repairing it...since this is the first entry into the news section im going to explain...this is the place to find out if there are any updates to the site lately (new pics, etc.)or just plain stuff that happened that is important.

-Started News section

--Funny Pics--

Such a supporting fan

You making fun of Sesame Street?

Coming to a Wal-Mart near you

Stupid people

Don't screw with Granny

What pets do when we're out

Brave kitty

Caught in the act!


get this gear!

get this gear!

Worst job ever


Leap Frog


Professional Deer Hunter

Pissed off kitty

I wonder what happened...

That be funny to actually get

Hey Timmy...if your looking for Tom he's comming out right *grunt*

Don't hit him....

Naughty or nice?

get this gear!

get this gear!

No Christmas this year :(

Who's the real daddy?


Fresh out of the oven!

For all you chocolate lovers out there

No one liked him anyways

Info sheet for men

Celebrity Offspring

get this gear!

get this gear!

The counter down at the bottom of the screen is how many people have been to my site since May 2003.