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Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

*  How do I …?

*  Where can I find …?

*  Why don’t …?

*  Who is …?

*  What is …?

*  When is …?


How do I …?

1.  Join the AOH—contact any member—see Seanachai.


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Where can I find …?

1,  A list of upcoming events—Seanachai and in the Events Section

2.      Names and phone numbers of the officers—Seanachai

3.      Meeting times and dates—Seanachai and also see below

4.      Old St. Mary’s Hall—The hall is just on the left on Fairfax Station Rd. shortly after the intersection of
      Ox Road (Rte. 123) and Fairfax Station Road in Fairfax, Va.  The Fairfax County Parkway is nearby .


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Why don’t …?

1. The divisions meet on the first Sunday in September—because of the Labor Day holiday weekend.


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Who is …?

1.  The officers of each division—see masthead of the Seanachai for a complete list of current officers.


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What is …?

1.  Hibernia—ancient Roman name for present day Ireland.

2.  A.O.H—Abbreviation for the Ancient Order of Hibernians.  More information available under AOH History.

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When are the meetings …?

Both men’s and ladies’ divisions meet the first Sunday of each month at 1 pm.  The  September meeting is on the second Sunday at 2 pm because of Labor Day.  No meeting during July and August.


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Last revised: July 29, 2001