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My Political Journey/Quest/Voyage/Trip

    As an average middle class person living in Fairfax County, I of course am spoiled by the luxuries of living a middle class life.  I have received a great public education in Herndon, which, like the rest of Fairfax County Public Schools is a well funded school.  After being accepted into the University of Virginia, my parents bought me a brand new car as a graduation gift.  Lost in my world of middle class luxuries, I now write about the political journey I have experienced in the past 17 years, and where it has led me so far.
    Born in Tehran, Iran to a repressive Islamic regime that was fighting a stalemate war with Iraq, I from birth have come to dislike fundamentalism and extreme conservatism.  Luckily our family left Iran within a year of my birth, and so my exposure to that regime was minimal.  Growing up, my parents never discussed politics with me or their views on political issues, but I loved watching the news and hearing about politics.  I began developing my own views, most of which were somewhat conservative.  I liked the idea of tax cuts because it sounded good in my head, I was completely against abortion, I was absolutely for the death penalty, etc.  These views began to change around 8th grade...
    Around 8th grade I began to understand the liberal philosophy of Bill Clinton and my views began changing rapidly.  I saw the fallacies of the trickle down theory, the logic behind being pro-choice, and so on.  This year the last of my conservative beliefs have come to be liberal.  After hard thinking, reading, and reasoning...I decided that I could not support the death penalty.  I also decided that affirmative action, though it hurts me, was a good idea that would prove to be beneficial to society.  I would have to say Mr. Brown was responsible for a lot of my changes.  After hearing him express his extreme conservative views, I saw the follies in my own logic and realized that the liberal point of view was what I really believed in.  Also, I think it is important to mention that I have spent a very good deal of my life enjoying nature.  Activities such as camping, hiking, mountain climbing, and fishing have molded me to be extremely pro-environment.  Environment is my biggest issue and I am currently in a special interest group (NRDC - National Resources Defense Counsil) that updates me on encroachments made towards our environment by the government.
    I believe that the political biography I just described adequately details my view on government and politics.  I am liberal in almost every sense.  I believe that the purpose of the government is to promote the general welfare, happiness, and well-being of its people.  I plan to be a politically active lawyer, and I plan to keep environment as my #1 issue.  But I also understand that my political journey is nowhere near finished, and that my political beliefs will be molded, ergo "perfected" for the rest of my life.