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Junior Journal
November 2001


Organized 1923.
A member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs and the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs
Kathy A., President

From the President
Santa Saga - Breakfast With Santa
Upcoming Events
Farmville's Finest
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From the President 
Dear Juniors,

CONGRATULATIONS to Carol B. and her Membership Committee on an outstanding October Social.  It was a most enjoyable meeting and a pleasure getting to know new faces from our community.  Thank you also to everyone for the donated canned goods for FACES.  (F.Y.I.– area boy scouts will be delivering paper sacks to collect non-perishable food items and will pick them up on Nov. 10th.  Please help if you are able.)

This month we will be working on our Community Improvement Project.  A small business meeting will be held first. 

Hope to see everyone on November 5th at the Train Station. 


Santa Saga Continued
1) Longwood Aramark donated paper goods and creamers. 
2) We are working on raising money, procuring Santa, and tasting pancakes. 
3) We will distribute advance tickets at the Nov. meeting. There will be a sign-up sheet for the tickets and for volunteer times at the Santa Breakfast.  Be ready!
Up-coming events: 

November Meeting:
Monday, Nov. 5 at 6:45 p.m. at the Train Station

Pampered Chef party:
Tues, Nov 13, from 7 to 9 at the home of Sarah N.

December meeting focus:
Home Life Committee hosted Melody H. and Cathy M.

Farmville's Finest

I spoke with Melody H. this month who moved here just one year ago from Pittsburgh, PA with her husband, Tage, and son, Colin (currently 18 mths.old). Tage is a general surgeon at SCH. Originally, Melody is from Marietta, OH; she is trained as an art teacher and currently is a Pampered Chef Consultant. Melody's interests in art are calligraphy and watercolor. She invites us to call her in join her in her favorite leisure activities, shopping and going out to lunch! The welcoming nature of this community is one of Melody's favorable comments about Farmville.

Watch out.  You could be asked for an interview for next month!!! 


Minutes- Last month was the October Social, so no minutes to report!
Liz W., editor

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