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Essay Revision Guide


The run up to exams can be daunting so it helps to be prepared. This exam revision guide contains tips for success, information on how to manage your information and links to helpful sites on the internet. Make use of the help in here and remember to ask your university staff if you still feel overwhelmed


Creating revision cards with keywords, theories and names will make the information easier to 'digest' and help you focus. Having all of this information in this format is useful for visits to libraries or getting out your text books. You can easily identify and the areas you need to work on - they serve as a good reminder too.

Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do - making notes in an effective way and storing them well makes them easier to access when exam time draws near. Store your printed lecture notes on disk and in binders and folders safely and in the correct order.

Remember at the end of each of the lecture notes is the chapter to read from your set text book - this will guide to the right book, and section for the area you need to cover.

Each lecturer has their own module link on the psychology home page. These do not just have the link to the lecture notes - there are also useful links that will help you and other recommended reading titles.

When you visit the library, remember there are psychology books in different sections and not just on the psychology shelf. It may be useful to dig out the library guide folder we were given in the first week, it can direct you and inform you of resources available.

Look at test papers on the net and in books to get an idea of what the exam will be like. If you do want to test yourself it is useful to time yourself

Talk to other students or set up a study group - talking to other students will give you reassurance you are not the only one who finds the subject tricky in places, you can share strengths and knowledge and you might find a whole new respect for students you might not have spoken to otherwise

Look after yourself is the run-up to assignment dealines and exam dates - follow a healthy life-style, eat well, get plenty of sleep and get some air. It is fine to go out during daylight hours, drink water instead of alcohol and eat good food instead of a snatched packet of crisps - just while you are preparing your mind. You can abuse your bodies again the night exams are over and enjoy it.......instead of drowning your sorrows.

Set yourself a reward for after the exams are over - regardless of the results. It might be as simple as giving yourself back your free time after sacrificing hours of study - read a book that is not a text book, stay up late, catch up with friends. This will give you something to look forward to and make you feel really good about yourself - reward yourself for the efforts made and relax knowing you did a good job

List of tips

Useful links

Graphics used on this page
Improve your memory skills
Useful site with revision tips
Page of useful links - for revision and studying
