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Welcome, to my consumer review page. I have always wanted a place to review service I have received from companies. I have had many bad experiences with different companies. This is the page where I will let it all hang out. I am not here to just bash companies. I am here to inform you of my bad luck. This will hopefully prevent you from having the same problems. I will also give compliments where they are deserved!


Well, here we go again. Talk about about of morons. Let me tell you about these crooks. I called for an estimate for a timing belt and water pump. I was quoted $293 by the way he is a little baby. He was upset about foul language ....Robert...FUCK YOU! He claims it was for just the timing belt. He is wrong. I unfortunately for the baby know what I asked for. I said timing belt and water pump. It ended up at 400 plus dollars. Then the baby said that he quoted me for just the timing belt. Then he tried to claim he suggested the water pump. BULL SHIT!! More foul language for the little bitch. Oh, I told him I was going to post this story. He said he would tell his lawyer. Well tell him bitch!! I am not afraid of you! I will tell everyone about you. Sue me bitch! Well, it took them three days to fix my car...a half day job at Japanese Auto Masters. A great place to do biz! The car was running fine when I left it. Then it suddenly had a misfire. They were really nice and put an old wire on. Notice I said old wire! How nice. You screw it up and I get an old wire. Every thing here is true Robert. So call your fucking lawyer. Kiss my redneck ass! You know and I know what happened. I dare you to sue me! I would not let them fix a lawn mower. It would probably come back days later with old parts and a large repair bill. London Bridge Motor Co. a place NOT to do biz!
I will update this with a copy of any lawsuits!! Go ahead...make my day!


Folks, I have really tried not to do this. But, I no longer have a choice. I purchased a Sprint PCS (Pure Chicken Shit) phone about 2 years ago. Through the course of these two years I have had so many problems you can not even imagine. The 800 number they give you is worthless! I do not know where they get these morons but they are worthless as tits on a boar hog!
Recently I have had numerous complaints from people trying to reach me that they constantly get a message when they call me. The message "All circuits are busy". I called their 800 number today November 10th 2001 after spending 1 hour trying to reach my phone. I do not know why I wasted my time. Because of previous problems I found the number of a person at their home office that helped me every time I called. My hat is off to Janis Norman. But the number I used to call her at has been disconnected, go figure. They now will only allow you to call their worthless 800 number. So I am left to deal with it on my own.
The call today just pushed me over the top. The customer service moron informed me that the reason I was getting an all circuits busy number was that all of the circuits were busy. DUH! She told me their circuits had to much traffic and that is the reason for the message.
Here is what I want you all to think about. If they have too much traffic for their towers.....WHY ARE THE STILL SELLING SERVICE? If you already have to many customers, wouldn't it be wiser to build more capacity before you sell more phones? The only answer I can come up with after talking to their customer service is...they do not care. Hey, look, you buy a bundle of minutes. No one can call you because all circuits are busy. you can not use your minutes. Do they care? HELL NO! They still get paid!
I have seen a disturbing trend over the past couple of months with Sprint Cellular. They have disconnected their home office 800 number. They have laid off workers. If you try to call their 800 number to bitch you have to wait sometimes as much as 45 minutes to an hour just to talk to a human! That is if your Sprint PCS phone doesn't drop the call! It is the trend in big biz, make it impossible to speak to a human and people will just go away. NOT ME!!!!
Everything I said here is true. If you are considering a cell phone. You would do better using a carrier Pigeon to communicate than a Sprint Cellular Phone. If you buy Sprint Cellular you are a moron. they have the worst service and customer service I have ever seen!!! Bar NONE!!!!!
I told their customer service mutant that Sprint was going on my web page. I told her to send her supervisor, who by the way she wanted me to wait 10 minutes for, to come to my web page. I told her that they were going on the web page. So, Mr. Supervisor if you are here. Everything I said is true. So, I dare you to try and sue me. Go ahead! make my day!!!! Your company sucks and I am going to tell everyone!!!!!

I know many of you reading this do not live in Virginia Beach. However, I would like to take the time to send out a big ol' ATTA'BOY to the great folks at Japanese Auto Masters! If you ever need work done to your car, no finer place exists! They do quality work at a reasonable price. I have been going there for years and they have taken great care of me!
Call them at 757-468-1333
Thanks for everything guys!!!!


Now let me tell you how not to do business. If you have seen my show. You know I do about joke about "let me wipe my kids off your face". Well, when I first started doing this joke I had Tidewater Emblems do up 1000 of these stickers for me. They did it without question. When I ran out of stickers I called them and got a price based on 2000 stickers. I was adding the "Educated Redneck" sticker to my line. They quoted me a really low price over the phone. Hell, when I called they even remembered my sticker. I said I would be down to order. They also said they could have the order ready in a week. Perfect! I was leaving in two weeks so I had time to get down there and order. So I went down to place my order....this is when the fun begins.
I arrive and walk into the store. I inform the girl that I was there to order 2000 stickers and what the stickers were. She immediately changed the way she was speaking to me. She started talking down to me. Now let me tell you something. I am one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. As long as you treat me nice. I have this real bad habit of giving back exactly what I am given.
She in a negative tone told me that they would no longer print my bumpersticker. You could hear the comtempt she held for the sticker in her voice. I guess someone had already blown one on her face!...if she was lucky! Her talking down to me totally pissed me off! What a bitch. So, you just know I have to push this shit further. I mean she did tell me on the phone that they would print the stickers.
I pointed out to her that she said they would do the stickers on the phone. She said that they had said that on the phone. But, they changed their minds. I asked why? She said they only wanted to do works their kids would be proud of! Listen to me....their name is no where on the sticker! AND, they said they would do it and I needed them now! Also, if you looked at the sticker and didn't know me. You would have to assume I had no kids. They were on somebodies face! But, get's even better.
After she had basically told me that what I do for a living, I was to be ashamed of! She then said they would do the Educated Redneck stickers! Now wait just a minute here! My one sticker is so disgusting they won't print it! YET, they still want my business. I lost it! I said to her "Lady, you just basically told me that what I do for a living I should be ashamed of. And, in the next breath offered to do business with me! I will never set foot in this place again! I will tell every one I know not to use you!" I walked out!
So listen to me. If you need bumper stickers...DO NOT GO TO TIDEWATER EMBLEMS!!!! They suck!

This is an ongoing bitch here. You see a little over a year ago now my sister purchased a house. Pete Sessa "The Expert" inspected my sisters house along with East Coast Termite. A little under a year later my sister tried to sell the house. We felt confident that the house would be trouble free. After all, Pete Sessa "The Expert", can be heard on 790am on Sunday morning from 10am too Noon, had just inspected the house. Well, nothing could be farther from the truth!
Both East Coast Termite and Pete Sessa " The Expert" had missed BIG PROBLEMS! They both missed 2200 dollars in Termite damage. In addition, Pete Sessa " The Expert" missed and additional 1175 Dollars in needed repairs!
Now kids pay close attention here because this is where the Educated Redneck is going to teach you something. You can spot a reputable company by how they handle their mistakes. This rule applies anywhere and everywhere!
East Coast Termite reinspected the house and admitted their mistake. No lawyer speak about contracts. No questioning the passing of 8 months from the initial inspection. No Bullshit! They paid in full for all repairs they missed. My hat is off to East Coast Termite. They earn the Educated Redneck's Consumer Seal of Approval. It is rare in these times to find such a honest and upstanding company. A HUGE ATTABOY goes out to East Coast Termite. If I had a house to inspect I would again use East Coast Termite. Their number is 757-547-8888.
Now, remember about what I said about how to spot a reputable dealer. Now, I am not saying Pete Sessa "The Expert" is not a reputable man. I am not saying that Pete Sessa "The Expert" views the truth through the eyes of Bill Clinton. I am not saying that Pete Sessa is a FUCKING LYING WEASEL! I am not saying any of that! However, I am saying. Take the time to read this story. Then if it quacks like a duck, and it walks like a duck. Then it just might be a Duck!
On April 4th a letter was sent to Pete Sessa "The Expert" concerning the missed $1175 of repairs. Pete Sessa "The Expert" called my sister on April 10th to acknowledge the receipt of the letter. The letter informed him also the house was vacant and he was free to inspect it. He talked to Joan Anderson with Rose and Womble Reality, reach her at 757-456-1958, and said he would call my sister back after he looked at the house.
A liitle break here for another ATTABOY. Joan Anderson has been the best Realator of have ever had the pleasure of working with. Complete professional and probably the best damn Realator this side of the Mississippi! Actually anywhere I just wanted to say, this side of the Mississippi! She earns a big ol' Educated Redneck Consumer Seal of approval!
Now back to Pete Sessa "The Expert". It is now May 21, 2001 and Pete Sessa and I had the following conversation. After calling him Sunday on his radio show. This call was priceless. I am thinking about posting it. I called his office and left a message for him to call. This was after he called me a liar on the radio show.
OK, now pay close attention, here comes a DUCK! When I finally got him on the phone he said he did not call me a liar. He said that he said, what I said was not true. Oh, I see, that all depends an what the meaning of the word is, is. Thank you Mr. Clinton for giving everyone the same right as any lawyer to lie and play word games. If something is "not true", and you are saying to someone, what they are saying is "not true". Then you my friends are calling them a liar. You slice the shit sandwich any way you want and it still smells like shit!
Now back to Pete Sessa "The Duck". Oops, sorry, "The Expert". He then says that he was not given a chance to fix the problems himself. Is that quacking I here? Did everyone just read what I wrote above. He was not given a chance to fix it himself. He received a letter and acknowledged receipt of same. He told Joan, I found this out later, that he just didn't have time to get over to the house! Oh I see. Keep quacking you duck!
So now I have been lied to! Is that Duck Shit I smell? Then he plays weasel. He starts quoting contracts. Does anybody see what I am saying here? He then said he needed a week to think about it. I guess when you lie you need time to back the lies up. Oops I am sorry did I just type that? I am not saying that Pete Sessa "The Expert" does not know the truth.
Here is what I am saying. Check back here Saturday. This is the date I gave him to call me and answer. We well find out together how reputable Pete Sessa "The Expert" is and if he is a duck. If he is a Duck the we will all go Duck hunting on Sunday. I would like everyone that reads this to call Pete Sessa "The Expert" on Sunday morning. The number is 757-627-7979 from 10am to Noon. Ask him about what makes a peron reputable. I would be curious to what the Duck has to say!
Please check back! This will be updated!
UPDATE 5/24/01
I had an interesting conversation with "The Duck". Yes, it walks like a Duck and quacks like a Duck. It is a fucking Duck! Pete Sessa said he was not going to pay for the $1175 dollars for the repairs he missed. He said he was going to stick by the contract and that he was not notified about the repairs. Since, he was not notified he said he was not responsible. This is Bullshit! He was notified! He told Joan Anderson he just didn't have the time to get by the house!
He did say however, he would refund the inspection fee. Now I know many of you would say this was a good gesture. Well, let me tell you why this is bullshit! If he just has to return the inspection fee, all he is doing is gambling. He is willing to gamble $200 that he is not going to miss something major! If he does miss something he merely hands back the inspection fee...the homeowner is out of luck...and he waltzes off into the sunset! I say HELL NO!
Anyone that reads this please do the following. Sunday morning from 10am to noon call 757-627-7979 and ask Pete Sessa "The Expert" why he isn't going to pay Peg Ellison. Make up a reason to get on the air and then let the fucker have it! I am going to hire an Attorney and sue this worm! I recommend that you do not use Pete Sessa "The Expert" his word means nothing and if he misses anything...he will give you you're money back. While you pay for the repairs. What a nice guy.
I am finished with this piece of shit! Folks, beware of snakes like this one! If you use Pete Sessa to look at your might as well use a blind referee! If you ever are awake on a Sunday morning. Call Pete and let him know he is a Duck!

This one is an old bitch. But I am determined to let everyone in the world know about the bullshit Compaq put me through. It all started when I purchased a new computer from Comp USA. So this computer works for about 90 days. Just long enough to make it difficult to return it.
I was on the road and the computer just starts crashing for no reason at all. It was getting to the point that I could hardly use the damn thing. I kept trying and trying, to no avail. When I arrived home I took the computer back to Comp USA. They promptly took it in for service and kept it for 7 days. I picked up the "repaired" computer and went on the road. I think it worked for about 90 minutes before crashing. You want to talk about pissed. I called Comp USA and got a major runaround. I was due home in a couple of days, so I waited.
When I returned home I took the computer back to Comp USA. They again had it for a week. When I picked it up they told me that their Compaq factory trained Representative had repaired the computer for me. I told them I was leaving for 3 months and it had better have been fixed. They insured me that their top quality people had repaired it.
So I left on the road with my "repaired" computer. i think the repairs lasted 6 hours! I was so pissed I could have killed. I called Comp USA and raised hell! Of course they true to form gave me another runaround.
I told them that I wanted a new computer. This one had been a piece of shit since day 91. They told me that I had to deal with Compaq! They sold me the computer, they made the profit. But, I had to deal with Compaq! Folks this was and is BULLSHIT!
So they provided me with a number to Compaq and sent me on my way by myself to tackle Compaq computers. I called their office in Texas and told my story to the Compaq representative. I told her that I wanted a new computer. She told me that a Compaq factory trained rep. would have to look at it first. I told her the one at Comp USA had already looked at it. She said that their people did not count and I had to let her "Specialized Troubleshooters" had to see it.
So, I had to FedEx the piece of shit to her in Texas. The whole time this is going on I am travelling all over Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. After a week she calls and says it is all fixed. She sends the computer back to me. Guess what? That is right, it worked for 10 hours! I called her back. I informed her that her reps had failed and I now wanted a new computer. She said that I had to send the computer to her so her "Super Specialized Troubleshooters" could look at it! I was hot!
So I FedEx the damn thing back to her. A week later she calls and says it is fixed still again! I told her she had better be sure this time because all of my patience was gone! I turned the computer on and 15 minutes later, CRASH! FUCK! I was totally enraged. I about ripped the phone apart dialing her number again.
I told her that I was getting a new computer and no other answer would do! She finally agreed and sent me a new Compaq Computer. It lasted about 94 or 95 days. It too started crashing for no reason!
I was not about to deal with Compaq again. So, I waited to get home. I decided I would go in on a weekday during the noon hour to return the computer. If you learn one thing here, learn this. If you plan to make a scene, go when you know they are busy. Stores hate angry customers when they are busy. It is very bad publicity. It let's other customers know they are about to get screwed too!
I arrive at Comp USA and proceeded to raise holy hell! Like always this technique was very succesful. They finally gave me a new computer. The first thing that Comp USA did right!
So after a year. My computer was finally fixed and I will never buy anything from Comp USA ever again! Especially a Compaq computer. A brand that I will never own again!