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Annie's Personal Page

Annie's Personal Page

Hello!!! Thank you for stopping in to see my page. My name is Anne-Marie, a lot of my friends call me Annie for short. Telling about yourself is harder than you may think, but I gave this my best shot.

Ever since I was 6 years old I have wanted to write. Yet, over the years, I have "chickened out" of sending in anything that I have written. Lately, I have been getting that "itch" again and decided that I am going to finally try to write a book.

Other than writing, I enjoy cooking and baking, working in my garden, playing sports, working on crafts, doing animal twist balloons, teaching, and being with my kids.

One thing I enjoy doing most of all is working on the computer and doing homepages and web designs. I am hoping to create a full time business with all that I have learned.

At home, I homeschool my 4 daughters and really love doing that. We have grown very close to eachother and have experienced so much more than I think we would have if not having the time together. We all go to a missions place and help out there. It's nice to feel needed and to help others, but i find that nothing beats watching your children go somewhere and yearn to help others. They have really made me proud.

However, this year (2001) we are going to try to have our girls in school. They are wanting to see what school is like and I feel it will be a good experience. So we shall see what happens. I have my memories to keep with me and I enjoyed the time I did homeschool. *S*

Below the yellow roses, you will find some of my favorite things. I had trouble thinking up anymore, so if you should have any suggestions, please feel free to comment. Along with that, I have link below of my friends. In there you will find my friend's names and a description of them. Finally, I plan to add some of my poems on here that I have written over the years. I hope that you enjoy my page!


Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Number: 8 or 18

Favorite Foods: Italian or Chinese

Favorite Drink: Hot apple cider

Favorite Flower: Yellow Roses

Favorite Season: End of spring/begining of summer

Favorite Song: Lady In Red or I Believe In You and Me

Annie's Friends

My Poems

Friend's Poems

