Dream Interpretation Quiz
Dream Survey
Dream Journal
Dream Dictionary


Dreams are thoughts and images that occur during sleep, forming a complex response to external events.
Dream Info
Hypothesis on why we Dream

-Dreams are used to get the brain reorganized after a days work of thinking and dealing with problems.

-Dreams are designed to help work out unsolved problems left over from the day.

-They are a result from all the electrical realignments, revising, and updating going on in the brain.


Emotions affect your dreams...

Anxiety- dreams of falling, drowning, or being chased.

Repressed Emotions- dreams of feelings of violence toward those close to you.

Happiness- good luck symbols like horse shoes or bright lights.

Nine Types of Dreams

1. Initial Dream

2. Pathological Dream

3. Ordinary Dream

4. Vivid Dream

5. Symbolic or Mocking Dream

6. General Dream Sensations

7. Lucid Dream

8. Demon Dreams

9. Wrong Waking Up

REM Sleep

-Active stage of sleep

-Cerebral activity and cerebral blood flow increase

-Blood pressure increases

-Respiration is irregular

-Body temperature is unregulated

-Stimulates the brain region used during learning

NREM Sleep

-Non rapid eye movement

-Involves partial thoughts,images,or stories with poor organization

-Incubus attacks occur

-Sleep walking and talking occur

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