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January 18th, 2005

    Just a quick note to everyone to say good job on the raid. That was my first one, and hence my planning did not take into account that so many guards would spawn before we could reach the boat. Props to all those Guildies who ran around the Night Elf capitol city in their underwear, this probably greatly confused them, or at least made them laugh. It was a total suicide raid, but a lot of fun. I for one did not mind dying. As you people venture out there, especially the high level people, keep your eye open for what might be a good spot for the next raid - and let me know!

    Also, I have a few screenshots taken toward the end of the raid, if you took any good ones email to me here at and I will post them early this week. Also, the officer ranks have swollen a bit and we have several new members that have made Recruiter or above - the member page does not yet reflect this. I will get to this as soon as possible - hopefully early this week. To those of you who got promoted, congratulations and you will be seeing your names soon on the list.

January 14th, 2005

    Just to let everyone know, we have a Tabard now. I will be adding some screenshots containing the Tabard over the next few days. You may purchase a Tabard at Undercity, Orgrimar or Thunder Bluff for 1g (only 90s if you have a high reputation with that city). Simply ask a guard where the Guildmaster is at, and usually the Tabard vendor is standing right next to them. Thank you very much to all the people who chipped in for the Tabard, it is much appreciated.


January 2nd, 2005

   Happy New Year everyone! As you can see, I dropped the scrolls from our website. I did this to make for room for guild screenshots! I only have 9 right now, but will post more as I have time and receive more shots. If you have a good one, mail it to me at  and I will post it as soon as possible. I also did away with listing all general members on the member pages, and now only Recruiters and above are listed. Due to our rapid growth, it was difficult to keep up!

   Please be aware that unless I have prior notice, if your character is inactive for 10 days or more there is a chance that  he or she will be removed from the guild. If this does happen to you, you may rejoin at any time.

   Also, I appreciate all the recruiting everyone is doing. Please make sure that anyone you invite does not have an offensive name! If this happens, they will be promptly removed from the guild and their name will be reported to Blizzard. There are a wide variety of ages that play this game, and as a guildmaster, I do not want any questionable names in our guild that may offend others.

   I have talked to other guildmasters and have gotten positive feedback about our guild out in the game. This is good! As we get larger, and we reach higher levels, guild alliances with other guilds may come in handy during a raid or similar event. Thanks for the good PR!

   Finally, the Guild Guidelines page is down. It will be up soon, so please be patient.


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