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¡david's websiteitorium!

Mrs. Small's Pd. 4 class

My college:                                                               My summer plans:
Mary Washington College                                                 Goin to Corolla

Centrifuge Christian Camp
Workin at Bertucci's (or Glory Days)
Goin to Puerto Rico
Links of awesominity:
    The official home page of the greatest
band in the world. Information on tour dates,
merchandise, or even join the club.
    Flash cartoons of the greatest kind. Enjoy
Strong Bad as he checks his e-mail and
hilarity ensues.
    Check out computer art and wallpapers
by catergory here.


            Congressman Frank R. Wolf(R) is the most senior member in the Virginia House of Representatives. He is serving his 12th term, and serves on the departments of Homeland Security and Transportation and is chair of the department of Commerce.             Senator John Warner is a Republican Senator for Virginia. He has served many years in the military and was previously an attorney. George Allen is also a Republican, and he too was previously an attorney. He has also served on the Virginia Assembly and Virginia governor.

2004 Presidential Candidates!!!!

Republicans:                                                                                                                                                Democrats:
George W. Bush:                                                                                                                                                                            Dick Gephardt:                                                                                                                 
     Bush is the current president and                                                                                                                    Dick is a Baptist Democrat from
will more than likely be seeking another                                                                                                         Missouri. He has served in Congress
term. If he does, he will receive the                                                                                                                from 1977 and has been the majority
Republican nomination. He is a strong                                                                                                            leader and is currently the minority
conservative.                                                                           leader. He is a successful fundraiser
and stands out by his support for war

Joseph Lieberman:
          Joe is a former attorney from Connecticut. He attended
    Yale  University and was elected state senate majority leader
                    in 1974. Joe was first thrust into the spotlight
                                    when he ran as VP for Al Gore in 2000
                                                                      Alfred Sharpton:
              Al Sharpton is a Pentecostal reverand from Brooklyn,
                NY. He was a candidate for State Senate, US Senate,
   and Mayor of NY. While he stands no real chance of winning
the Democratic nomination, he is running anyway, and could prove
                       trouble for the Democratic party.

The state of the...state

                       ^Virginia state home page^                                ^Fairfax County home page^

VA senator: District 10:                             VA state rep.: Dist.10
John C. Watkins                                                                                                 Ward L. Armstrong
    Watkins is a republican and has served on
the Virginia committees of Agriculture,
Conservation and Natural Resources, Commerce
and Labor, Local Government and Transportation.
He was born in Petersburg, va and went to school
at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Political Humorosity

This cartoon is inferring that
spam is really a secret terrorist attack
on the US by Bin Laden.