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Political Socialization
of ME

    I really don't think there was any political socialization in my early years, or now for that matter. My Dad works for the government and doesn't really talk about current events with us quite as much as some parents do because he lives it each day and doesn't want to bring it home. Honestly, since 9-11 I have heard more of politics from my dad than in the rest of my days combined.
    I was brought up to form my own opinions and to have strong convictions. I don't associate with a particular party, I would consider myself an Independent I suppose. I will never vote for a candidate based on their party, but for their views and values. I think strict party lines in voting is sort of like discrimination- the other guy doesn't ever have a chance.
    My views on politics is sort of a disgust for the people in our country. I hate that people only complain in the bad times. Why don't people give praise to our government when they agree with things? We need more positivity going around about the government and less criticism. I think the government works with what it has got and does a fine job most of the time.