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Corrupted Conscience Sprays

Wanna show off that your in the gang Corrupted Conscience? Just spray one of these leet sprays while is a game.

Anyone who has photoshop skills can submit a spray...even if it's a piece of crap. If you wanna see how to make a spray what size it should be go here

All submitted sprays need to be 128x64 bitmap

Home--------------Info and Rules--------------Members--------------Join Gang--------------Links--------------Sprays--------------Forum

.This Spray was made by my bro and is on the homepage. Need to shrink it.

.This Spray was made by my WaNkStA's bro. Need to shrink it.

.This Spray was submitted by Arch Angel. May need to resize it.

.This Spray was submitted by Arch Angel. May need to resize it.

.This Spray was submitted by TheRecreator (ME!!! :) Yey!) Don't need to resize it :)I'd be happy if someone could could make it transparent.