Conversion to Judaism"<br> Aaron C. Kinder
Conversion to Judaism:
Aaron C. Kinder

Last Updated:
September 06, 2003

Conversion to Judaism:
Aaron C. Kinder

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Rabbi Brian

I knew I wouldnt be able to get the conversion class assignments to you before the Bet Din, so I thought this would be a way for you to view it when you have time. I look forward to the Bet Din on Wednesday. I will bring the paper copies of my assignments with me, in case you need them for anything. You'll notice that I didnt do the Mitzvot project. I, instead devoted more time to my spiritiual autobiography.

P.S. I have decided on a Hebrew name. My Hebrew name is:

Aaron Ezriel ben Moshe v'Hannah
Aaron C. Kinder

Copyright ©2003 Aaron C. Kinder, All Rights Reserved.