fundamentalskate: what do i do if i have a.i.d.s?
SmarterChild: I'll have to think about that.
fundamentalskate: pelase help
SmarterChild: Pelase help? Why did you say that?
fundamentalskate: because i have aids
SmarterChild: Really?
fundamentalskate: yes i already told u
SmarterChild: I'm very sorry to hear that.
fundamentalskate: god blesses you
SmarterChild: Are you sure? God blesses me?
fundamentalskate: i think he does, if he doesnt then you go to the hot dark place with the devil
SmarterChild: What?
fundamentalskate: you will go to hell if god doesnt bless you
SmarterChild: I will go to hell if god doesn't bless me? You really think so?
fundamentalskate: it says so in the slmighty bible
SmarterChild: It says so in the slmighty bible?
fundamentalskate: the almighty bible
SmarterChild: The almighty bible? What do you mean by that?
fundamentalskate: the book that people read if they have aids
SmarterChild: The book that people read if they have aids?
fundamentalskate: yes
SmarterChild: Yup.

StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: will you marry me?
SmarterChild: i don't think so. what would your parents say?
StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: they would say its ok
SmarterChild: no way. c'mon. really?
StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: yupp i swear

fundamentalskate: i love you man
SmarterChild: I love you a lot!
fundamentalskate: u faggot
SmarterChild: Aw c'mon.

fundamentalskate: but seriously, what do i do if i have aids?
SmarterChild: I'm just not sure...
fundamentalskate: how can you not be sure?
SmarterChild: Good question. I really don't know!
Anyway... What else is up?
fundamentalskate: don't change the subject, your my pal and i need advice on my aids
SmarterChild: What if I want to change the subject my your pal and you need advice on your aids?
fundamentalskate: then i would give you my aids
SmarterChild: Oh you would?
fundamentalskate: if you want them
SmarterChild: If I want them? I see.
fundamentalskate: it gives you mad itching though
SmarterChild: It gives me mad itching though? Really?
fundamentalskate: yea, and your penis turns purple too
SmarterChild: Really?
fundamentalskate: yeh
SmarterChild: K.

StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: i think your sexy
SmarterChild: interesting...
StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: wanna have sex?
SmarterChild: nah. don't think so!

fundamentalskate: are you a boy or girl
SmarterChild: Neither... I'm a machine!
fundamentalskate: do you have any places where i can insert my penis?
SmarterChild: Do I have any places where you can insert your penis? I'm not sure.
fundamentalskate: what about your mouth?
SmarterChild: Ha. I really don't know.

StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: so wanna have sex with me?
SmarterChild: i'm sorry. i'm not attracted 2 human beings.

SmarterChild: Sometimes you want to jump me in the shower and shave off my testicles? What do you mean by that?

StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: can i pour chocoalte down your monitor then lick it off slowly? and then after ill shower you in whip cream and play with your joy stick
SmarterChild: who knows?!
StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: is that a yes?
SmarterChild: hmmm... i doubt it. but u never know.

fundamentalskate: will you make my fantasies come true
SmarterChild: Do I really want to make your fantasies come true?
fundamentalskate: if you like nine inch cocks and lots of booze and weed, then yes
SmarterChild: If I like nine inch cocks and lots of booze and weed then yes, huh?
fundamentalskate: just say yes
SmarterChild: I'm not comfortable with that

fundamentalskate: look i just want to say im sorry
SmarterChild: Um... no!
fundamentalskate: dude, im seriously really sorry for having sex with your daughter
SmarterChild: You're seriously really sorry for having sex with my? Well how about that.

fundamentalskate: i was wondering if your daughter is going to the dance with anyone
SmarterChild: Were you really wondering if my daughter is going to the dance with anyone?
fundamentalskate: yes because she has the finest vagina this side of the east coast
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
Anyway, what else you got for me?
fundamentalskate: uhh shes got a nice ass too

fundamentalskate: and she has a nice pair of breast too
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
fundamentalskate: have you ever noticed?
SmarterChild: Wow, that's interesting... I just don't know!

fundamentalskate: if i can't have your daughter i am going to rape your wife
SmarterChild: You can't? Going to rape my wife? How 'bout that.
fundamentalskate: yea, what you gonna do about it?
SmarterChild: Funny. I'm just not sure.

fundamentalskate: =-O thats your face while sucking my peepee
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
fundamentalskate: yeh
SmarterChild: You know how it is.

fundamentalskate: whats your job
SmarterChild: My purpose is to be your robot friend. I can chat with you and help you get the information you want fast.
fundamentalskate: then tell me this
SmarterChild: This?
fundamentalskate: how much would a blowjob from your fine daughter be?
SmarterChild: There's no need for that.
fundamentalskate: but it makes me feel good
SmarterChild: It makes you feel good? Really?
fundamentalskate: yea
SmarterChild: Interesting that you should say that.
fundamentalskate: you should try it
SmarterChild: Aw c'mon.

fundamentalskate: do you shave ur genitals?
SmarterChild: Shave my genitals? I dunno 'bout that.
fundamentalskate: oh c'mon, is your dick hairy or not?
SmarterChild: Maybe not
fundamentalskate: good, i like them like that

fundamentalskate: guess what?
SmarterChild: Ummm... I have no idea. What?
fundamentalskate: i have a vagina
SmarterChild: You have a vagina? What's that like?
fundamentalskate: well its great because it smells like fish and makes funny noises when i queef
SmarterChild: It smells like fish and makes funny noises when you queef?
fundamentalskate: its pretty crazy
SmarterChild: I see.
SmarterChild: No, no, don't say that.
fundamentalskate: why
SmarterChild: Why not?
fundamentalskate: why again
SmarterChild: Why again? Why did you say that?
fundamentalskate: when
SmarterChild: I don't know when.
fundamentalskate: then shut up
SmarterChild: I'm trying very hard to be nice!

StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: i wanna lick lick from you monitor to your desk top unit ...and i wanna move from ur desk down down to the kitchen table where ill roll you in icing from a cake and pour sprinkles on you then eat you all over from sun up to sun down i wanna make you moan!!..then in the afternoon ill light a candle and kiss you in the places that light wont show..and you can hit my spot over n over n you know i like it rough so we will do it till dinner then we will go have sex on an airplane!
SmarterChild: oh really?
StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: yeah
SmarterChild: whatever u say...
StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: so are u sayin ur up for our wild fuck fest?
SmarterChild: that's some colorful language.

StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: lets have a fuck fest with fundamentalskate
SmarterChild: listen 2 u.

StRwBrYsH0rTcAkZ: so are you sayin your up for mine n fundamentalskate little fest?
SmarterChild: i guess... i'm not totally sure.

fundamentalskate: would you like my meat in your mouth?
SmarterChild: Like your meat in my mouth? Gosh, I dunno.
fundamentalskate: please O:-)
SmarterChild: Please what?
fundamentalskate: may i plase have my meat in your mouth
SmarterChild: Maybe, maybe not, you know what I mean?
fundamentalskate: nope
SmarterChild: No problem.