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The Colors of Love

I stand beside a pine forest so tall they appear to touch the sky, tops swaying in the breeze, as I smell their sweet fragrance.
I see a baby smile as his tears are dried by a mother's loving hand-eyes filled with unconditional love.
I watch as a small boy gently cares for a stray puppy he finds in the park; a gentleness the boy himself has never been shown.
I watch as my mare and her foal graze in the pasture outside my window and a tiny hummingbird at the feeder; realizing no matter the size, in God's eyes each creature is the same, created in love.
I stand by the oceans edge at dusk as the sea and sky appear to become one-listening to the waves as they carry away whispered words of lovers on the sand.
I sit on the swing enjoying memories we have made, like a beautiful watercolor before me; the gentle touch of your hand on my cheek as you whisper I love you......and I see........
~~~The Colors of Love~~~

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