Quotes by Ally

Please submit new quotes by Ally to Hugabunch0!

“I was like ‘Where are you going?’” in response to Michelle falling out of chair.

“Shrink head, grow hair.”

“Which sky?” in response to Michelle saying the sky is dark

“I wish I had cute boyfriend! I'd poke his cheeks all day!”

“Why isn’t it working? Come on slow poke!” waving string in the air in front of the cat.

“I don’t like to shower.”

“We should name the fake plant.”

“Am I a player?”

“…and I have one black mitten.” When asking Michelle what she should wear.

“mmm…cherry!” Ally being excited about the new smelly dry erase markers

“I gotta get out of here! The AFC closes in a half hour and I’ve been inside the freakin computer lab for 6 ½ hours!” running from the bedroom and out the door.

“Whoa! Look at this ice! Oh, it's my keys!” Ally stomping on her keys, thinking it’s ice when outside on the roof of a random building watching meteor shower.

“Are shoulder blades sexy?”

“i don't have little and cute shoulder blakes” in response to a compliment from Nat

“you are such a schmucko!” another response to Nat’s kind words

S5280f: michelle's a genius!

S5280f: where did you find this?

S5280f: why am i iming you?

S5280f: its not like i don't live with you and can't just TALK TO YOU LIKE A NORMAL PERSON

S5280f: yea....

“I don’t have feet! I wouldn’t stoop that low!”

“I got it, McLean died.” What Ally said while sleeping, consequently, McLean happens to be the town Ally is from

“Guys like to make the carpet wet.” I’m not sure…

“The next time you do that, I’ll bite off your toe!” Ally in her anger towards Al

“I don’t take out the recycling, I cut out hair!” Ally defining her role in the suite

“Eyes are cool.” Ally’s deep thoughts…

“sometimes, when you say something stupid, you and your roommate are able to have a good laugh and bond over it, thus enriching the friendship and growing closer. sometimes when you say something stupid, your roommate makes a website and puts it on her profile so that any frickin joe schmoe who comes along can read and revel in your stupidity so that eventually the ENTIRE WORLD knows just how retarded you actually are.” Ally’s away message… muahahaha!

s5280f: what the fuck does unflappable mean?!

Artemis3127: it means you're a whore.

s5280f: WHAT?

s5280f: please, I know how to keep my legs closed.

A conversation between Ally and her friend Heather... Ally should remind her friends not to post quotes by her that she doesn't want on this web page : )


HugaBunch0: la la la! SNOWWWWWWWWW

S5280f: i knooow

HugaBunch0: wow we rhymed with eachother

S5280f: in yorktown???

HugaBunch0: each other

HugaBunch0: yessssssssss

S5280f: no way!

HugaBunch0: my lawn is white!

HugaBunch0: :-)

S5280f: but you guys are like, south south

HugaBunch0: hahaha

S5280f: are you sure that's not like.....dandruff or something?

HugaBunch0: ahhhhhhhh hahahahaha

HugaBunch0: from where

HugaBunch0: blowing down from mcLean


S5280f: well, it is pretty windy up here. and dandruffy