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About Numerology 


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For thousands of years, numbers have been studied to determine their hidden meaning and their impact on our lives.  Numbers are everywhere, even where you don't see them.  Numerology is a method of understanding how those numbers influence us.  

Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician, believed that "all things can be expressed in numerical terms because all things are ultimately reduced to numbers."

Using Numerology, you can discover more about the person you are - your special talents, strengths, and weaknesses.  You will also find more insight into your goals, opportunities and challenges.  

Due to a move to temporary quarters, we will not be fulfilling orders until at least October 15, 2003. The date of a move to permanent quarters is not yet known. We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope that you come back to visit in October!


Your Numerology Report



Your "Numeric Journey: Your Life in Numbers" Numerology Report will contain the following information about you:

  • Your Life Path Number

    • Highlights your purpose in life, your goals, how you fit into the Big Picture

  • You Personality Number - 

    • How you act, react and interact to people and things around you

  • Your Soul Number - 

    • Your inner self and using your inner guidance

  • Your Wisdom Number - 

    • Illuminates qualities and talents developed in the past

  • Your Personal Year for 2003


Learning more about your personal numbers and how they influence you will allow you to focus on your strengths and improve areas in which you may be weak.  By using this information, you can improve your quality of life, meet challenges head on and succeed in your chosen areas.



New Reports 

Numeric Journey: Your Career

Numeric Journey: Your Relationships

Numeric Journey: Your Child's Name



**Numerology is a respected system of learning about yourself, however, the individual's beliefs and choices are subject to their own free will.  Enjoy the reports, but understand that they do not control your actions.  There is no guarantee that this report will improve your life.  That is up to you.




Background Copyright © Original Country Clipart by Lisa

Copyright © 2003 Numeric Journey
