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About Numerology


Everything in life is represented by numbers - specifically the numbers 1 through 9.  These numbers can be seen throughout our everyday lives, in our pasts and in our futures.  Numerology is the study of those numbers and how they impact us.  By understanding how these numbers relate to us directly, we can focus on positive energies, forces and experiences to better ourselves.  We can also begin to understand other people and how we interact with them.  We can study our relationships, our careers, how we fit into the "Big Picture," and much more.  

All letters are assigned a numerical value between 1 and 9.  Numerologists then find the sum of all the letters in a name to determine a single digit number.  Numerologists also use the sum of a birth date to determine a single value.  These rules are used to determine one's Life Path Number, Soul Number, Wisdom Number, etc.  An entire chart is created for a person that provides inner knowledge and understanding based on these calculations.

Evidence of Numerology can be seen in ancient cultures as well as many cultures today.  The Greeks, the Chinese, the Hindu and the Tibetans have all developed fairly sophisticated systems that are used around the world.  Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician, believed deeply in this science and was castigated from society for his beliefs.  Jewish mystics believe in the Kabbala, a system of Numerology derived from the Old Testament.  

Although numbers can help us understand ourselves and the others around us, they cannot control our actions.  It is vital that we understand that we each have our own free will, the ability to make our own choices.  Numbers influence us, but do not rule us. 



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