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"I'm a rowdy chick, Sometimes I have to fight 'cause my mouth is too slick"

"some mistakes are too fun to only make once"

Shouts: The edmonton people => Robert, Nick, Brittany, Tram, Ben, Michelle, Marisa, Andy, Jeff, Steven, Hoa, Phu, Nicole, Mikola, Clement, Pat, Cynthia, Jessica, Sam, Mary, Tim, Nathan, Daniel, Crystal, Kat, Linda, Elvis, Toan, Sammi, Wayne, Noel, Steve, Jason, Amber, Siao, Stephen, Devin, Ming......The BC people => Brianne, Scott, Jessie, Lisa, Gracie, Jezy, Ashley, Quang, Justin, Danny, Richie, Shelly, Roxy, Dianne, Paul, Alain, Victor, Gable, Dukes, Amery, Lynners, Joey

Sam - My BEAUTIFUL cousin =) wahhh I never even knew you, and Robert introduced us heard about me, but I never even knew you existed lol...nice meeting are hot you know you are! And so many guys are after just dont pay attention! In chinatown you made all the guys turn there heads mwahahaha...good times..thats so freaky how me and cynthia look so much alike haha..were not even related lol...we gotta keep in touch okay..and we'll chill alot more next time I come down...or when you come to BC call me up...we gotta get miss vanessa a fake id ^_^ so I can go clubbing with you sexy ladies haha..thanx for everything.

Elvis - Hey Tugs lol..oh man who gave us these names..but it fits us perfectly cause we were always together acting like lil kids still look like a kid =P geez bum your 19 and you still act like your 15 hahah..oh well =P Good drinking times, haha we danced on the road and that guy was like "get off the road fucken chinks" hahaha...and you didn't even wanna come with me to walk through the forest LOSER haha...oh and cant forget dimsum! lol oh man...


Ben, Jessie, Nick, Christina, Robert, Me, Shaylene, James
Steve, Nick, Robert, Ben, Tim

Mikola, Ben, Robert, Some guy, Tim
Me again
and again hehe
ANNDDD again
Jen, Leanne, Kathy, Sam, Cynthia (my twin), Jen
Cynthia and Leanne
Elvis again
Sam again
Sam, Kathy, Michelle, Leanne
Sam Singing