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Course Syllabus


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Our Textbook: The Practice of Statistics ( Yates, Moore, McCabe )

Mrs. V. Hathaway- Instructor

Course Description: This course is designed to follow the Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics course guidelines as set forth by The College Board(Registered Trademark) for AP Statistics. AP Statistics is the study of data analysis, experimental design, probability as it relates to statistical inference, and the practice of data gathering and evaluation of statistical inference in an elementary statistics setting. This course is activity based with a variety of activities, labs, and projects. It also incorporates the routine use of TI-83 graphing calculators as well as computers. Students taking this course will take the AP Statistics Exam in May (this is a course requirement). Students passing the AP exam with a score of 3-5 receive college credit at most universities.

Pre-requisites: Students in this program must have successfully completed at least Algebra II and received the recommendation of their Algebra II teacher. Students may also opt to take this course at the completion of Analysis or AP Calculus.

Why Stats? All college bound students (grades 10-12) and those planning on a career that requires data analysis should seriously consider taking this course. Currently, Virginia Commonwealth University requires an introductory statistics course of all incoming freshmen. Other universities are coming in line with this philosophy that values the importance of the study and analysis of data in a scientific setting. For example, many programs at Virginia Tech require an introductory statistics class. If your college requires such a course, you can potentially fulfill that requirement here in high school.

By passing the AP Stats exam in May, you can receive college credit and save on text purchase costs if your college of choice accepts the credit. You will also learn statistics necessary for advanced science projects, become proficient in the use of a graphing calculator as well as computer software for statistics, use sampling & inference effectively, and engage in meaningful activities that bring math to life. This is an active, thought provoking applications course.

If you have ever asked, "When will I use this math stuff in real life?" … this course will show the answer! Statistics is the ultimate in application in many career fields.

Course Materials

You are required to have the following materials by the end of the 1st week.

1- 3 ring binder: 1 pkt.- spiral bound 3 x 5 note cards
1- TI-83 or 83 Plus graphing calculator 2- 3.5" Floppy Disks
5- dividers with tabs

Course Requirements
Sample Grade Calculation:
Tests …………………..… 40%
Test Ave- 83: 83 x 0.40= 33.20
Quizzes ....………………… 15%
Quiz Ave- 91: 91 x 0.15= 13.65
Major Projects…..…....…… 20%
Proj Ave- 88: 88 x 0.20 = 17.60
Activities, labs, classwk, etc. 15%
Cwk Ave- 95: 95 x 0.15 = 14.25
POW's, Homewk, AP grading 10%
Hwk Ave- 72: 72 x 0.10 = 7.20
TOTAL 100%
Grade Total = 85.9

HOW to make an "A"

College courses require students to work independently and own the responsibility of maintaining all assignments as given by the instructor. As such, the syllabus is designed to help you in planning your 'regular' out of class schedule. Since topics and chapters are also given, students can easily work ahead as their schedule requires. Weekly homework assignments are posted on the website; all assignments are subject to change as needed for optimum instruction. All homework assignments, dates, etc. are posted on the website. It is your responsibility to check this site routinely.

Tests: Tests will always be announced, usually on your syllabus. Tests occur at the end of the units.

Quizzes: -Computer Quizzes- You are to take these on a network computer prior to the end of each unit. No computer quiz will be accepted after the unit test is taken. Practice quizzes are available on my classroom computers as well as other computers as discussed in class. - Pop Quizzes are typically 'pop' and rarely announced. Plan on at least one per week. 'Quick quizzes' occur the first 10 minutes of class only.

Major Projects: There are several scheduled projects that you will be required to complete. Keep in mind, the AP exam requires not just correct computation, it also requires clear and concise written expression. In other words, writing is an essential piece to this course. The projects are designed with this in mind.

Activities, Computer Labs, Notebooks, Classwork: In class assignments as well as out of class activities that are not considered 'major' works all fall in this category. These assignments include but are not restricted to: class activities, mini- project work, computer and class labs. Some special items are defined below. Projects, Activities, Labs- Computer labs require you to go to the MAC Lab & complete a lab unit. Each lab is to be completed independently and submitted on disk prior to the unit test.

POW's, Homework, AP Grading: This portion of your grade is based on weekly practice items. POW's, Homework- All POW's are AP free-response type questions that will be graded according to AP scoring rubrics (more info. to come). Each week, you will submit your homework with the week's POW stapled to the top of your weekly homework assignments. No late work is accepted.

Note card Spiral Binder- This handy 'reference' tool is to be kept in addition to your regular notebook. The colored cards work best with each of the five sections dedicated to a given AP topic to study from: Data Displays/Rel'n, Normal Distributions, Sampling/ Experimentation, Probability, Testing/Inference

Study Groups- As with any good college study plan, small study groups, 3-5 people, that meet weekly is an important study strategy. These groups should be set in to place early and meet regularly. Also, Class Study Group Meetings will take place on at least a monthly basis also and are designed to help the entire class build a team mindset toward our goals.

HOW to Pass the AP Exam

The key to any AP course is ultimately passing the AP exam in May. Several things will help you be successful toward attaining this goal. Keep these items in mind as they are invaluable in meeting your objective.

· Follow the syllabus closely.

· Keep up with all your reading and work.

· Work with the computer software as much as possible. Review its tutorials, etc.

· Do more than is expected! When you finish the assigned work, try others. · Attend the monthly study groups. They are for your benefit, not mine.

· Form your own study groups outside of class. (A great practice to continue in college.)

Good luck! I am always available for my students… so… DON'T let it get away from you before you seek help!

Unit I: Representation of Data, Summary Stats

Week 1-2 (Sept. 4) Exploring data- outliers, shapes are key focus pts. Summarizing distributions: mean, median, mode, range, variance, IQR, quartiles. (std deviation- next unit) Comparing distributions: compare/ contrast (key focus pts.) within groups and between various plots. Course technology- TI-83: use of statistical functions of calculator. Mini-Tab, Active Stats, Fathom instruction.( 1 week)


Ch. 1:

Rossman topic: 1-6

POW # 1& 2; problems-ch1:1-59 Rossman(R)- selected

Project 1- Assigned Project 1- M&M's


Weeks 3-4 (Sept. 17) Density Curves Standard Deviation: empirical rule, percentiles, inflection pts., mean, median, quartiles, effects of changing meas. Normal distributions- Measuring: position, quartiles, percentiles, standardized scores (z-scores), normal relative frequencies, (Chebyshev's Theorem) using distribution as a model for measure. Normal probability plots: graphing & interpreting info. from graphical & numerical displays.

Ch. 2:

Rossman topics: 3-5

POW # 3, problems 1-15; (R) selected
POW #4(R), problems 16-33; selected
Labs assigned

Project 2- USA Today part #1


Unit II: Mathematical Modeling

Weeks 5-7 (Oct. 1) Bivariate data- Analyze patterns: scatterplots, time series, smoothing s-plots, correlation & linearity, least squares regression line, residual plots, outliers, lurking variables, infl. pts., & transformation to achieve linearity. Technology: TI-83 & computer to- explore the effect of outliers & infl. pts; calculate least squares regression line; write equations of curves that best fit their data.

Ch. 3 Ch. 4:

Rossman topics: 7-10

POW #5, problems 1-30; selected
POW #6, problems 31-60; selected
POW #7, problems 1-30; selected
Labs assigned

Project 3- Modeling (Coons)


Week 8 (Oct. 22) Relations in categorical data- Analyzing: two-way tables, conditional relative frequencies, & association. Causation- Anecdotal evidence, observational studies & experiments

Ch. 4:

Rossman topic: 11

POW #7a, problems 31-50; (R) selected
Lab assigned

Project 4 - USA Today part #2


Unit III: Experimental Design

Weeks 9-11 (Oct. 29) Experimental design & sampling- Methods of: data collection, simple random sampling (SRS), sampling error, bias, blind, stratifying, multistage samples, confounding, blocking, replication, treatments, control. Simulation: designing simulations, steps in simulation. Activities/ Technology: randomness & sampling class.

Ch. 5

Rossman topics 12, 21

POW #8, problems 1-25; (R) selected
POW #9, problems 26-53; (R) selected
Labs assigned

Project 5- Writing a questionnaire & conducting a survey


Unit IV: Probability- Inference Foundations

Week 12-13 (Nov. 19) Probability: Basic: probability rules, disjoint, independent, tree diagrams, simulation to estimate answers in probability questions. Random variables & sampling distributions- Simulation: probability distributions and sampling distributions. Expected values & standard deviation of a random variable. Mean & standard deviation for sums & differences of independent random variables.

Ch. 6 Ch. 7

POW # 10, problems 1-60 selected
POW #11, problems 1-60 selected
POW #12, problems 1-44 selected
Labs assigned

Project 6- Probability Game


Weeks 14-15 (Dec. 3) Distributions (Binomial, Geometric, Sampling)- Sampling distributions: binomial probabilities, binomial distribution, geometric distributions, normal approximation for sample proportions, sampling distribution of a sample mean. Sample means: variability, distributions, proportions, standard deviation, Central Limit Theorem, law of large rules of thumb, rules of thumb. Central Limit Theorem: computer simulations/ activities.

Ch. 8 Ch. 9

Rossman topics 13-16

POW #13, problems 1-45,(R) selected** POW #14, problems 1-45,(R) selected** Labs assigned

**TEST **

Unit V: Inference-Conclusions with Confidence

Week 16-18 (Dec. 17; Jan.2) Confidence intervals- Confidence level, population mean, critical value, margin of error & sample size. Significance tests- Null/ alternative hypotheses, p-value, test of significance, z-statistic for population mean, confidence intervals, one & two-sided tests, Type I & II errors, concepts of power.

Ch. 10

Rossman topics 17-19

POW #15, problems 1-26; (R) selected* POW #16, problems 27-57;(R) selected* POW #17, problems 58-75;(R) selected* Labs Assigned

Project 7-Analyze sample data (1st sem)


Week 19/20 (Jan. 14) Review & SEMESTER FINAL EXAM


Unit V: Inference-Conclusions with Confidence (cont)

Weeks 1-2 (Jan. 28) Inference for the mean of a population- The t distribution, standard error, one-sample t-procedures, matched pairs t-procedures, test of significance, degrees of freedom. Comparison of two means- two-sample t procedure, difference between means, pooled two-sample t procedure. Computer lab- activities on t- procedures & two means

Ch. 11

Rossman topics 18-20

POW #1, problems 1-30;(R) selected** POW #2,problems31-70;(R) selected** Labs assigned


Weeks 3-4 (Feb. 11) Inference for a single population proportion- Large-sample inference for a population proportion, confidence interval for a population proportion, sample size, and margin of error. Comparing two proportions- Confidence intervals for two-tailed test of comparing two proportions, significance tests for comparing two proportions, pooled estimate of p. Chi square test- Homogeneity of proportions & independence, two way tables, expected count, degrees of freedom, chi-square statistic, goodness of fit. Technology Lab: on chi-square

Ch. 12 Ch. 13

Rossman topics 22-26

POW #3, problems1-40;(R) selected
POW #4, problems 1-44 selected
POW #5, problems 1-44 selected
POW #6, problems1-38
Labs assigned

Project 8- Chi-square


Weeks 5-6 (Feb. 25) Inference for regression- Simple linear regression model, estimating regression parameters, degrees of freedom, standard error about line, confidence intervals & significance tests b1 & b2, prediction interval for a future observation.

Ch. 14

POW #7, problems 1-12;(R) selected
POW #8 problems13-24;(R) selected
Labs assigned

Semester Project (double grade)- Topic due: COB week #9


Weeks 7-13 (Mar. 4) Review for AP Exam- Take Mock Exam- week 11 Review questions from Barons study guides. Prepare questions for class AP review- groups to choose problems to review solutions with class. Questions on project??

Selected review problems assigned

Spiral binder clear, concise, organized
PRACTICE EXAM; assigned problems PRACTICE EXAM; assigned problems PRACTICE EXAM; assigned problems grading of AP Mock problems

Project- study group participation


Week 14 (May 6) Take AP Exam- Wednesday, May 8th, 1 p.m. Students meet immediately following for after test debrief and social! Location to be announced. CHILL OUT!
Week 15-17 (May 13) Debrief on AP exam Analysis of Variance Student Project- Computer lab and classwork on final project. Begin project presentations.

Ch. 15

Selections Semester Project
DATA DUE Portfolios DUE COB Wk.15

Semester project DUE COB Wk. 16

Week 18 (June 3) Project presentations completed.


**Note: All assignments subject to change as announced**