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Welcome to my travel page

Thank you for visiting my site at Angelfire. This site is a late dedication to what happened with 9-11 and recently what happened in England. This site is also dedicated to my parents and families travel agencies who work hard to help people find travel deals and great places to visit. It also has information on safety in flighing and airports and other great travel information. Also many travel links will be listed. Hope this site is informative as it was great for me to create. This site is under construction. I also found my background image from a yahoo image search and google image search. This site is also under construction. By the way, I got the rainbow animated line, from [will get link] http://www. Please sign the guestbook if you can on the way out. Go to,, For some great travel information and safety tips.

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
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My family's travel agency, great service, great deals
Great travel tour deals

My Favorite things about Angelfire.
