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Where would we be without scissors? Can you imagine not being able to cut paper, string, hair, and other things neatly and precisely? If it weren't for scissors, we would have to use knives to cut things. The would be "hair kniveries" instead of hair cutteries. We would be in the dark. So be thankful for this amazingly simple yet useful invention and learn everything you ever wanted to know about scissors here!


The first scissors were in Europe in 500 BC. They were "u" shaped and had pointed shiny blades. When the "u" was squeezed together, it cut stuff. This basic shape of scissors is still found today in the sheep shearing business. In the middle ages, scissors began to look like we know them today. Pinking scissors as we know them today were first invented and patented in 1893 by Louise Austin, from Whatcom, Washington.
sources: and

Uses For scissors

-Cut hair
-Cut paper
-Cut string
-Cut Dead skin
-Cut toenails
-Cut fingernails
-Cut tape
-Cut fabrics
-Cut bandages
-Cut magazine clippings
-Punch air holes in jars containing butterflies
-Punch air holes in jars containing lightning bugs
-Punch air holes in jars containing moths
-Punch air holes in jars containing other insects and small animals
-Pop balloons
-Pop pool floats
-Run with them
-Annoy kindergarten or art class teachers by holding them incorrectly
-Stab your father (Boo Radley instituted this use although MEM and JO do not condone any violent acts with scissors and do not hold hostilities toward their fathers or other family members.)
-Stab other people (Though JO and MEM Strongly Discourage and Refuse to condone this, as it could lead to bloodshed and arrest)
-Cut Rubber Bands
-Cut Hair Ties that won't come out of your hair no matter how hard you pull
-Cut plastic bottles
-Cut plastic milk cartons to make crafts
-Cut cotton balls
-Cut open stuffed animals
-Carve messages in surfaces such as wood or plastic
-Make a webpage about them for English Class

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