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A Map Of Despair

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I was sitting in a class. The professor gave each of the students a map of Africa and asked that everyone put at least twenty names on the constituent countries.


I had ten minutes to write down the names. I wasted a bit of time looking out of the window because it was going to be easy for me. Then I had five minutes left. I got down to it. Of course I started with 1. Kenya, I am from Kakamega, and then I wrote down 2. Uganda followed by 3. Tanzania. I put Ethiopia in Ethiopia 4, Somalia in Somalia 5,. I found 6 Egypt, 7 Sudan, Chad, Morocco, and Tunisia. Then I went down to South Africa and wrote South Africa, working my way up Botswana, Mozambique.
Angola Musumbiji
In Zaire, The Democratic Republic of Congo I saw Lumumba in 1960 arrested and murdered, the rumble in the jungle Ali Foreman 1974, and the wars that have plagued it then and since getting it dabbed the killing fields of Africa

Rwanda, I stayed here a little thinking about how it was described as the only place where people were killed faster that Hitler's camps. 800,000 to 1,200,000 people in 100 days as the Interahamwe carried out the disinfestations of Rwanda.
I looked for Ghana could not place it, Cameroon, Nigeria, I could not find. Senegal no. Cote De Voire, the people had been intoxicated by toxic waste while living in war for some years. Liberia, Charles Taylor came to mind and his decapitated predecessor Doe, Samuel Does decapitated predecessor Tolbert flashed by. Then I moved to look for the Amputation fields of Sierra Leone, I did not find them but I did see many women and children without limbs, young boys with weapons. I looked at Sudan and saw the weeding efforts of the Janja-weed.


I saw the young boys in Somalia with Ak 47 united to bring down the Black Hawk amidst their own clan clashes. I drifted to Zimbabwe and saw Comrade Mugabe grapple with African soil for Africans. Jomo sat up in his grave and advised him. The settlers have nothing to fear they can stay here and farm their land like anybody else. Mugabe shook his head. My eyes dropped to South Africa years after Gandhi had emancipated the Indians there gone to India and created the two independent states of India and Pakistan, Mandela in prison for 30 years, out and president and gone and the Africans were still living in poverty and dying of AIDS.







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