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Here's something exciting. We've picked up a very talented new member to AM... Kyle (ex. NoizFaction, Logic of Decay). He will be doing a lot of the music writing as well, and hopfully, he'll be what we need to get things rolling a bit faster. He has the drive and the tools, so I think It will work out nicely.
Expect website redesign soon, we will put some...stuff.. on this site. Don't know what just yet, but hey, it'll be more than a list of news. :-p


Well shit!
It seems I let this go unkept way too long... It doesn't help I forgot the password, and the info Angelfire wanted before they could send it to me. >.>
I figured it out though, no worries. Anyway, here's the dilly yo.
AM is doing some work for a movie called "So Mort It Be", featuring Fabian as director and actor, leaving Gabe doing a nice bit of music meant for the movie. Not all of it will make the final cut, but some of it will, and that rocks, no? You can download the trailer on this page. (you need realplayer to view it) One of the songs, "Condemned By Fate" will be in it for sure (so far anyway). You can download the mp3 of "CBF" below. Thats really all for now. Everyone is busy with working on whatever, so progress is slow, but we aren't dead yet. Things will probably pick up after the movie is done, so we'll keep you posted.

Condemned By Fate mp3


Welcome to the Absinthe Minded website. Please excuse us while we start to get things together here, hopefully we’ll have a full site up in a month or two.

Who we are:
Absinthe Minded is a new music project that started early November of this year. November 3rd would be the closest date to call a “birth date”. That day, Fabian of Lunar Melee met with Gabe and Carlos of Hidden Meanings to propose a collaboration project, which Gabe and Fabian have been talking about doing for sometime. Hence the beginning of Absinthe Minded.
Absinthe Minded pulls influances from black metal, industrial, and heavy guitar rock. To define our style just yet would be a bit premature, but thus far, it does incompass all of our influances. We are a band of three different people, with three different writing style, an we are all involved with the writing and creation of the music. Currently we are writing fiercely, getting things together so that we may get some gigs in the very near future.

Please check back with the site in a few weeks to see our progress.

Thank you,
The guys of Absinthe Minded.

Email us