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~*~LaUrEn'S HoMe PaGe~*~

Thanks for visiting!!! I think I've finally finished updating everything. I hope that you enjoy the website. Be sure to check out Four13's website as well, I used to sing and write songs for them... they are awesome! So, have a look at their page, they're ministry is wonderful. Now, with all that said... have a good one! Later Taters!!!

~*~Links to My Life!!!~*~

*WELCOME*(Basic Info About Me!!!)*
*My Wonderful*
*Powerful Words*(quotes pg.1)*
*Powerful Words*(qutoes pg.2)*
*Powerful Words*(quotes pg.3)*
*LOVE*(collection of quotes)*
*Four13's Official Web Site*
*An Original Poem by Me-(Changed)*
*High School Pics*
*Pics of Me and My Homie*
*Pics of Everything from College(including the sink)*
*Bestest Friends and an Awesome Summer!*
*My Family & Myself...(& our many adventurous outings!)*
*Random, Retarded, & Downright Rediculous*
