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News and Information

Members of Phi Sigma Sigma at VCU

Jeannette Coleman
Nichole Herbig
Cara Humbles
Amber Keefer
Jennifer Stevens
Amy Wyland
Advisor-Catherine Udell

Phi Sigma Sigma Sisterhood

A Phi Sigma Sigma sister is an individual.
She is of an indeterminate age, a member of any race, a follower of any creed. She is the president of the student body, a character in a play, a member of Phi Beta Kappa, or on the basketball team.

She is the pair of comforting arms, an understanding smile, a joyous laugh, and a sympathetic shoulder.

She is a home away from home for the holidays, a friendly face in a town, a confidante in troubled or happy times.

A friend is sometimes like a sister, but a Phi Sigma Sigma is always a sister, ready to give love and friendship, to share emotions, and to provide help.

A Phi Sigma Sigma sister begins as a small, delicate rosebud, a potentially beautiful flower. As the bud is nurtured by the love, sisterhood, and friendship of the many branches of Phi Sigma Sigma, it grows into a unique flower, ready to nourish other blossoms.

A Phi Sigma Sigma sister is a rose that blooms forever.


We of Phi Sigma Sigma pride ourselves on our 3 goals of Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service. We are looking for women who possess the following qualities and expectations from themselves:

 Mature women seeking open and lifelong friendships with others

 Women who are serious about their academics and leadership opportunities

 Women who want to learn and understand the responsibilities of membership

 Women who respect themselves and others in both a professional and personal manner at all times

 Women who want to fully participate in their scholastic and community endeavours

 Women who feel that they have something to contribute to the world around them through volunteer services and leadership

 Women with self-confidence in their abilities to attain success and to be all they can be

What we have done this past semester is participated in the Halloween watch to help children trick-or-treat in the Richmond area safetly. We also did a tea bag fundraiser. As well as some other work with the National Kidney foundation.
This spring semester we participated in Greek Week. We planned a few trips to the childrens ward to visit. Also in April 15 we participated in the Gift of Life Walk with the alumnae chapter here in Richmond. We have sisterhood event planned throughout the semester as well.
This coming fall will be informal rush, If any inofrmation is wanted on Phi Sigma Sigma just contact me and I would be more than happy to offer my assistance. We are all looking forward to the upcoming year!