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  Three cheers for YOU        
Preserve these three- Good books, Deeds, Friends
Control these three - Desire, Temper, Tongue
Avoid Haste in these three - Business, Marriage, Travel
Don’t waste these three - Energy, Money, Time
Have a heart for these three - Children, Hungry, Handicapped 
These three always pay - Prayers, Hardwork, Knowledge
Be ready for these three - Death, Downfall, Sorrow

   Rules for dieting
  • If you eat something and no one sees you doing that,it 
    has no calories.
  • If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar, the calories in the candy bar, are cancelled out by the diet soda.
  • When you eat with someone else, calories don’t count if you eat less than they do.
  • Food used for medicinal purposes, such as hot chocolate, hot toddies and cheesecake, never count.
  • If you fatten up everyone else around you, you look thinner.
  • Foods such as chips, buttered popcorn, mints, puffs and sandwitches, when munched while watching movies do not have calories as they are part of the entire entertainment package and not one’s personal fuel.
  • Cookie pieces contain no calories. The process of breaking causes calorie leakage.
  • Food prepared by your mother and / or your best friend, and eaten in her presence, contains no calories.
  • Thing licked off knives and spoons have no calories if you are in the process of preparing something. Examples: Butter on a knife making a sandwich; icecream on a spoon making a sundae.
  • Foods that have the same colour have the same number of calories. Examples: Spinach and pistachio ice cream; mushrooms and white chocolate.


  Misconceptions about success  
  • Some people can’t be successful no matter what they do.
    Wrong! Everyone can be successful. Perhaps not as successful as they’d like or in the way they imagine it but they can be successful.
  • Successful people don’t make mistakes.
    Everyone makes mistakes. Successful people learn from theirs and don’t make the "same" mistakes to over and over.You’ve got to work XX hours a week to be successful.

  • Success is a matter of continued hard work, but that doesn’t mean work yourself to death.
    Someone else may have had to work 60,70,80 hours a week to become successful, that doesn’t mean YOU have to.You’ll only be a success if you play by the rules.

  • Who makes up the rules anyway?
    Successful people are often the ones who create new rules to play by. If you have help along the way,it’s not success.

  • Few success are successes by themselves.
    The energy and input you get from others will fuel your own creativity and energy. Result: you become successful faster.It takes a lot of luck to be successful.

  • Luck generally is a factor in success, but it’s not that ‘great’ a factor.
    More important is your drive,determination, knowledge,abilities, etc. those are the tools that truly make success.

  • Success is an end result.
    A success is a success whether everybody know it or not. It’s only success if you make a lot of money.Money is just one of many possible benefits to success.

  • Not every success brings money.
    Once I’m successful, my troubles are over.Think again . You’re only successful, you’re not God. Maybe things will get easier, maybe they won’t.Don’t set false hopes for yourself. Live life as it comes to your self. Live life as it comes to you and enjoy it all!



Here I'm

Here I go Uncovered...!


Where I Live !

The World called Hyderbad & the Planet called The Earth- 1947


Nothing  special to say...Here is my Gallery - a click away.....!