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The VBA's

Olde Bulldogge Standard

BamBam9months.jpg (36205 bytes)      Poptart.jpg (54317 bytes)      Cody10months.jpg (116446 bytes)

              BamBam           CH Popart              Odie                 

Bulldogges That Set The Standard!!!!


A medium sized to large medium sized, smooth coated dog. A balanced Medium to Large headed with medium to thick bones that does not impede vigor. Broad muzzle with a short face, but not too short to hinder breathing capabilities even during vigorous exercise. Hindquarters can be slightly higher than the shoulders. The VBA Olde Bulldogge should have a symmetrical body and be heavily muscled.


The bulldogge should be fierce and bold backing down from nothing, but must first be steady, loyal & true with a dependable nature. He is fearless and protective of his owner while still being docile and dependable.


HEAD: 35 Points

The head should be balanced and medium to large in size without being out of proportion to the body. Cheeks should be slightly loose to tight. From the stop to the end of the muzzle should measure 1.5 to 2.5 inches. The muzzle should be turned upwards, well defined with light wrinkle. The muzzle should be blocked/squared in appearance (A tapered terrier look to the muzzle is a fault). The bite should be undershot without excess and without interfering with function. Nostrils should be large & wide, black preferred. The teeth [canines] should be wide apart & large. Eyes from the front, set low. Eyes should neither be bulging or sunken. Ears rose, button or half pricked, ears should not be erect or cropped.

1. The Skull; should be balanced to the body: Neither small nor too large.

2. Circumference of head from females will not be as large as a male

3. Cheeks: Must be well defined showing great power; definition of cheeks to be considered with reference to the age of the bulldogge [this feature gains more definition with age. Two to three years generally marks the final maturity].
Too much attention should not be placed on this feature in a young bulldogge.

4. Jaws should be as follows: lower jaw projects slightly further than upper jaw which will give the jaw a slight upward turn. The bite should be square.

5. Tusk [Teeth]: Canines should be wide apart with smaller teeth set in between canines

6. Lips: should be thick without being overly loose.

7. Nose: should lay back slightly being large, broad & moist, color *1st* perfectly black preferred, *2nd* partly colored or dudley noses are not preferred but is not a disqualification.

8. Eyes: Size should be in proportion to the skull without bulging, eyes should be perfectly set [equal on each side] from the middle of the skull

9. Ears: The ears should be rose shaped [short, small & folds more to side] or button [semi pricked with forward fold], half pricked/half erect.

10. Stop: The stop is the indentation between the eyes, the stop should be in proportion to the rest of the skull.


NECK: 5points

Very Muscled, with a thickness in proportion to the head. strong and arched, with tight to moderately loose skin forming dewlap on each side, the neck should be short to medium, not having a long appearance.



The shoulders should be broad & deep. The chest should be well sprung and deep. A slight rise to the rear is acceptable as long as it is not in excess making the symmetry of the dog suffer but a level top line is preferred in the OB. The rear of the body should have a slight upward tuck. The body length should appear square in proportion to the height to slightly longer in proportion to the height. Forelegs should be muscular, straight and wide apart, a slight bow is not a fault unless it is in excess with elbows turning outwards. The bulldogge should be up on his pastern, the pastern should be strong. Hind legs should be muscled showing power, hocks slightly bent, feet round and compact.

1. Chest: Wide, deep and muscular without impeding movement with rib cage in proportion. Ribs should be round

2. Loins: Should be powerfully and well muscled with tuck-up that does not take away from the muscular appearance.



Either straight, turning down, or screwed. The tail should not be carried over the back. There are no deductions for a docked tail, it has no bearing on the quality of the dog.


HIND LEGS: 5 points

Hind legs can be slightly lower to slightly higher than the front legs without exaggeration, they should turn out at stifle [knee] without excess which causes hock to turn inward slightly, the bone is moderately thick, the feet are compact and the toes are tight.


FORELEGS: 5 points

Forelegs should be powerful and muscular with moderately thick bone. Forelegs can be straight
or bowed [without excess].


FOREFEET: 5 points

Should be straight at the pastern. The feet are compact. The toes are tight.



Brindle/white, All other brindle [including black/brindle. Solid white or pied, Fawn or Tan. Solid Black is an undesirable color. Solid Black was not a common color and blue was not an original color of the bulldogge but both are allowable. When judging the color should not play a factor in the quality of the dog.



The coat is short & close, it is very smooth and silky to the touch.


Movement: 10 points

The Olde Bulldogge's stride should show confidence [a good prance or bounce step] His body should move with power and his chest should be pushed out between his forelegs, his rear [hindquarters] should show power his hind feet should not drag the ground.



Bulldogges over or under size will have a 10 point deduction no points for dogs within standard.
Males: 17 to 19.5 inches, 60 to 90 lbs.
Females: 16.5 to 19 inches, 50 to 80 lbs.

Note the Olde Bulldogge's weight must show good proportions to it's height. A sloppy obese dog is not preferred. Neither the larger nor smaller proportions are preferred. Instead the preferred O.B. is one that is heavily muscled and well proportioned throughout.