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Welcome to the VC Andrews Society!

Link to The Official VC Andrews Page!

Do you love reading VC Andrews and her books? Do you feel that you can actually internalize or relate to any of her characters? well I believe so, and this is just the place for you, a world of VC Andrews, a world of reality, in a way that her stories are truly pure and has something to say about the real essencce of life.

This is the place where the VC Andrews characters come to life...

Future Projects:

The Online Newsletter/Magazine

The VC Andrews Name Meanings Page

The VC Andrews Dedication Page

VC Andrews Polls!

The VCA Society Banner Graphics

The free VCANDREWS SOCIETY graphics page

Brought to you by...(character adoptions)

The Web-Ring

The VC Writers page (fan fic)

All about VC Andrews

The Club

The Role Playing Game

Site Credits, Other VC Andrews Sites, Webring

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