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April 28, 2002:

I've been doing a little coding over the past week. So, as of now, there are two other sections besides the News and Contact pages. I put up some pictures of me fire spitting on the Pictures page. And tonight, I set up a Links page. Let me know if anything is screwed up.

Oh, yeah, only nine days until I'm done with finals.

April 6, 2002:

I finally decided to completely redo the Division-2 site. I liked the color scheme from the last rebuild, so I decided to keep it. Right now, I'm working on coding all the other pages, while still keeping some of the old things, like the webcam page (I don't know how in the world I'm gonna recode that), the Italy and Greece pictures, and a few other things. If any of you guys know where I can join a site meter and site info group for FREE, please, email me.