Sorry if some of this audio don't work I thought it did but I guess I wuz wrong! just chill for awhile and I will have the mp3z.~Chemikilla

Witchez Brew

Witchez Brew - Mp3 Stream
H6LLOW66N - Real Audio
H6LLOW66N - Mp3
Toxic Seedz - Mp3 Stream
Rhyme Killa - Real Audio
Rhyme Killa - Mp3
Necro - Mp3 Stream
Shrink Rapped - Mp3 Stream

Devil Mask

Mask On - Mp3 Stream
Devil Mask - Mp3 Stream
Kavorkien - Mp3 Stream
Dead Bundy - Mp3 Stream
Psycho Weed Smokin' - Mp3 Stream
Mask Off - Mp3 Stream

Gates Of Hell

Sintro - Mp3
Devil Mask (Remix) - Mp3
Xibalba - Mp3
The Badland - Mp3
GOH - Mp3
GOH - Mp3 Stream
Fried Brainz - Mp3
Pessimist - Mp3
Pitchforks - Mp3
Tunnel Of Lyrics - Mp3
XXX - Mp3
Red Devil Dust - Mp3
Red Devil Dust - Mp3 Stream
Nateous Thoughts - Mp3
STD'z - Mp3
Hypo Thermo Nuclear - Mp3
Superstition - Mp3
Superstition - Mp3 Stream
Erb 2 Ash - Mp3
SOS - Mp3
Condensation - Mp3
Road Kill - Mp3
Hornz Vs. Halos - Mp3
HEX Hollow - Mp3
TMI - Mp3
Kevorkian - Mp3
Death - Mp3
Fermaldahide - Mp3
Hell - Mp3

Witchez Bible

Chapter 1 - Mp3 Stream
Toxic - Real Audio
Toxic - Mp3
Chapter 2 - Mp3 Stream
Levitate - Mp3 Stream
Occult - Real Audio
Crop Circlez - Mp3 Stream
Chapter 3 - Mp3 Stream
Sick Sense - Mp3 Stream
Sick Sense - Mp3
Greenhouse Effect - Mp3 Stream

TOXIC 2000

Evacuate - Mp3 Stream
TOXIC 2000 - Real Audio
TOXIC 2000 - Mp3
L's Unlimted - Real Audio
L's Unlimted - Mp3

Psycho Weed Smokin'

Psycho Weed Smokin' Sampler - Real Audio
Psycho Weed Smokin' Sampler - Mp3

Blunts For Breakfast

Blunts For Breakfast - Real Audio
Blunts For Breakfast - Mp3
11:34 AM - Real Audio D/L
Stealth Bomber - Mp3 Stream
Str8 Jack It - Real Audio D/L
Auditory Sex - Mp3 Stream
Blunt Truma - Mp3 Stream

??Best Song??
What Song do You like tha best on here?

Sick Sense
Fried Brainz
L's Unlimited
Witchez Brew
TOXIC 2000
Blunts For Beakfast
