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You Know You Have TMNT On The Brain When... once tried tying your fingers together to see how you'd function with three digets.'ve ever written a list of similarities between humans and the TMNT (I did this when I was younger - I got a few good ones, like the fact that the Turtles have opposable thumbs and arched feet).'ve ever told anyone that you were going to go Casey Jones on their ass. can't listen to any song without thinking up a fic to go along with it.

...your kids know they are in big trouble when you say that they have been Little Raphaels all day.'ve ever refered to your manager or teacher as "Fearless Leader."

...Ninja Turtles are the only thing you know how to draw - and you do it all the time.'ve converted more than three people into TurtleFans. daily conversation, every fifth word out of your mouth is "dude."'ve ever wished that you had been born one of a set of quads. assign Turtle identities to each member of your family (hubby is a mostly-Raphael with Michaelangelo tendencies, etc...) want to buy an old farmhouse in the middle of the New England woods.'ve ever made a pilgrimage to Northampton. want to buy an antique store. want to learn Japanese so you can watch the anime TMNT and understand everything that is being said. want pizza. You really want pizza. I mean you really, really want pizza! Right now! {Hello, Dominoes..?}'ve ever done that alphabetical insulting game that Casey and Don played in the first movie (our games tend to be far less PG-rated...)

...whenever you write fics regarding a certain Turtle, you keep them on floppys whose color matches the color prefered by the particular ninja in question. (Unfortunately, I have no red floppys... if Raph ever finds out I keep his stories in a hot pink one, I'm fried!) make up your mind about certain things regarding the Turtles and nobody, not even TPTB, can convince you otherwise (in my mind, Michaelangelo has blue eyes, Donatello is left-handed, and Leo is a vegetarian - I haven't come to any conclusions about Raphael yet) never bought anything online until you discovered that E-Bay and carry TMNT stuff. see absolutely no problem with naming a little girl "Shadow" (which I think is a cool name, BTW...) have to watch one of the Turtles movies whenever you order pizza.'ve ever had a marathon of Turtles movies and cartoons. own the first movie on DVD ("Twenty bucks!?" my hubby said... "Tough - I'm getting it, anyway," I replied :-) own more than one of the soundtracks. named your cat "Klunk"'ve written yourself or members of your family into your TMNT fics (Hi, Dad!) literaly scream when you hear anyone say that turtles are amphibians. watch the movie "Friday the 13th" and you just can't get the thought out of your head that Casey Jones is on a murderous rampage learned how to swear in Japanese just because.

...your husband spends three days trying to put in a new water heater while you sit there thinking I should have married Donatello... have ever accidentaly called someone by the name of one of the TMNT (my mom does this a lot after she reads my fics...)

...your Christmas tree has some sort of TMNT decoration on it.

...your four-year-old keeps on asking to stay up late to watch TV and you keep saying "no" - until she asks if she can stay up and watch the Minja Turtles (what she calls them) and you figure that it is okay for her to stay up just a little while longer... (I've been through that one... could you tell?) will buy anything with a turtle on it. are convinced that, if you have one, your animal guide must be a turtle.